Page 73 of The Club Betrayal
I nod, content with his answer, for now. “You’re going to prove it to me, and to everyone here. I don’t care how you do it, but you’re going to get me in to see Pope.”
“Anything else?” the little shit asks, as if I haven’t already given him a task most would fail at.
“That not enough for you, Luc?” Sparky laughs, voicing my thoughts.
Rolling his eyes, he walks away, pulling his phone out of his back pocket. I don’t move until he’s out of sight, then turn to the brothers.
“Is it me, or was he not affected at all having an order that difficult?” Ricky inquires, reaching for his beer.
My pride for Luca grows at him not showing weakness, or blanching in front of the others.
“He’s my son,” I retort, as if that should answer his question.
With a cigarette dangling from between his lips, Sparky asks, “What’s plan B if he can’t get you in?”
When Luca walks back in, I mutter, “I’ll guess we’ll find out.”
“Be at the back door of the cop station at 3 a.m. You’ll have fifteen minutes with Pope.”
For a moment, there’s not a brother, myself included, that isn’t stunned into silence, until Ricky stands, laughs, and slaps my boy on the back.
“That was fast, prospect. I’m impressed.”
I am too, but I keep that shit to myself.
“How?” I question.
“Does it matter? It’s done.”
He’s going to tell me, but I can wait.
“Be outside at 2 a.m. You’re coming with me.”
“Sure. Is that all?”
“For now.”
He turns to leave, with the twins trailing behind him.
“Rick? Make sure your boys don’t do anything stupid.”
Now they know Luca has strings he can pull with whoever he called, I wouldn’t put it past them to form their own plan. Their plans are usually messy, and messy isn’t on my agenda today.
Pushing up from the table, Ricky chases down his boys.
Sparky lowers his voice, and says, “Rick’s their dad, but we all know it’s Pope who keeps those boys reined in. You’ve gotta be prepared to step down on them if need be.”
I hear him, and I agree. I’ll step on anyone who puts a foot out of place until we know more.
“Keep your eye on them. Anything that rings an alarm, you handle it.”
“Sure. Apart from Luc, who are you taking with you tonight?”
“Just me and Luca. It’s only an in and out, so I’ll be fine. I want to use the time away from everyone to see what really runs through my boy’s head.”
He finds that amusing. “Good luck with that. The only one I see him even being remotely human to is Victoria, and even then, she’s constantly pushing him away.”
“And I suppose you’re going to tell me why that is?”