Page 80 of The Club Betrayal
“It’s Jamie Boy. I’m calling to make sure we’re still good for next week?”
“We’ll be a man down, but we’re good.”
“Very well. This deal will feed your club for the next six months, so make sure you don’t lose any more men.”
“Yeah, I’m working on that,” I retort sarcastically.
“Besides that, one of my men will be with you in a few minutes. I understand you’re being watched, so he’s a delivery man. Let him in.”
The line goes dead and I walk outside, watching the gate. As Jamie Boy said, a florist truck approaches the gate, and the prospect talks with the driver before letting him through. The cops have only just showed up, so how the fuck would Jamie Boy know we’re being watched?
Slade and Sparky flank me as I wait for the guy to walk over.
Collecting a box from the passenger seat, he shoves a clipboard under his arm.
Brothers around us take notice, and pause in what they’re doing.
“The Kings heard Pope’s granddaughter has a love for rare flowers.”
He’s British.
Holding out the box for me to take, it’s Sparky who steps forward and accepts it.
“Where’d they hear that?” I ask.
“They hear everything, from whispers to screams. They have advised you to have a gathering here tomorrow, and that none of you leave your compound.”
“I’m just the messenger. They also said you won’t hear from them for a while, so don’t be alarmed.”
Sparky opens the box as the guy walks off, and I pop my head over to see a single purple flower sitting inside.
I have no idea what it’s called, or just how rare it is, but from what I’ve seen of the brothers so far, they have money, and the reach to acquire the rarest.
Luca comes over, and Sparky hands him the box. “Take this to Victoria.”
“What is it?”
“A gift from the Kings, also a rouse for him to get past the cops without suspicion, I’m guessing.”
“Why the fuck are they sending her…”—he flips open the box and looks inside—“a flower?”
“Calm your tits, baby Jackson, and do as your president has asked.” Luca rolls his eyes before making his way toward the main house.
“Should we be worried they know Tori loves her flowers?” Sparky asks, his voice low.
“I have no idea.”
They’ve made it clear they make it their business to know everything, yet it doesn’t sit well with me they’re sending her a gift when they could’ve had the delivery guy relay the message.
Chapter Thirty-Three
“Ithought clubs like yours were about brotherhood and loyalty?”