Page 36 of His End Game
“Could be a onetime thing?”
“Not exactly, I… it happened again last night.”
“So what’s bothering you?”
“She’s a good girl. The last thing I wanna do is hurt her.”
“Stop sleeping with her then.”
“That’s the thing, I don’t want to. The few times I went with Zara, it wasn’t anything. But with Holly, it was… so much.”
“Well, Holly certainly isn’t like Zara. I don’t envy you, son, but I will say, you can’t hold on to the past forever. I told you there were women you played with and women you married. I’m not saying you should marry Holly, but for you to be hung up like this, I would say see where it leads. She’s good with Rayna, your mom likes her, not that she shows it much, and if she makes you as happy as you used to be, then she has my vote.”
I snort. “Trust you to think in the club way.”
He laughs and then turns serious. “I’m not blind. I know we lost you when you lost India. But you’re finding your way back and if that’s because of Holly, don’t fucking fight it. The best thing I ever did was let go of the shit and admit your mom was what I wanted… all I needed and look at us now. Two arrogant little shits for sons, and a beautiful granddaughter. We created perfection. When I die, I go, knowing I live forever through you all. Besides the club, it’s my sons, my daughter, but above all, my wife, that makes this black heart beat.”
I swallow thickly, unable to find the words to say anything.
“Don’t overthink it, Leo. You control your life, and at the moment, you have the world sitting in the palm of your hand.”
He’s right.
“It goes without saying, this conversation doesn’t get back to Mom.”
His laughter fills the room and the weight of our conversation floats away.
He reaches over and tosses the envelope he brought in with him on the desk.
“Don’t tell me, I’ve missed one of the salons is attached to a day care centre?”
“No. Nothing like that. These are rough plans for an idea I have.”
Intrigued, I pull out a bunch of papers and frown.
“What am I looking at?”
“The future.”
He moves from the couch and stands, looking out the window. “Before I decided to step down, I had a vision.”
Arching my brow, I wonder if he’s losing his mind. A vision?
“Come here.”
Hauling my ass up, I stand beside him.
“We’ve been sitting on all this land for years and nothing’s ever been done about it. Imagine houses. A number of them. Times are changing and we need to be prepared for the future, whatever it looks like.”
I picture his vision and see myself and Rayna in one of the houses, and not only us, but Holly’s there too.
“Families are the first casualties in this life. As much as we try to find the balance between family and patch, it never tips in their favour. This way, day-to-day life, lockdowns, everyone is always here. Our own community.”
“How much is this community gonna cost?” I ask.
“A pretty penny, but it’s gonna be worth it. I started putting money from the Haywards aside for it, but now you’re in charge. It’s up to you to continue it.”
“You know what this patch entails. You think I’ve got time to oversee builders and plans?”