Page 38 of His End Game
She whacks him on the chest but leans in and kisses him. “I’m going for a bath. Gotta test it all out.”
JJ disappears with her upstairs and I’m left with a silent Leo. I should be used to him like this by now, but I’m not.
“You didn’t have to do that.”
“I know, I wanted to. Rayna and I were in town, already getting her gift for Gunner.”
He pulls his wallet out from his back pocket and asks, “How much did it cost you? I’ll cover it.”
“There’s no need. It was from me, not you.”
“What about the gift from Rayna?”
“It wasn’t much. I’ve got it covered.”
The silence returns and I busy myself with heating up a lasagne from the fridge for Rayna’s dinner. I half expect to turn around and find him gone, but he’s standing in the same place, staring straight at me.
“If you’ve got something to say, please say it. This is starting to make me nervous,” I plead.
“I don’t wanna say something that will hurt you.”
“Then you should get back over to the bar. I’ll give Rayna her dinner, get her dressed and bring her over.”
He doesn’t need to be told twice and leaves. For once, I wish he’d just get whatever’s on his chest off it, even if it’s not what I want to hear. At least that way I’d know and wouldn’t have to imagine all sorts. I don’t need to guess it has something to do with India but that sneaky part of me that reminds me I’m not who I used to be screams louder. I don’t doubt it could just be about me.
He fucks me in the dead of night, never in the light of day.
The microwave pings and I jump at the intrusive sound in the silence. I leave it to cool off while I go to wake Rayna. Normally she doesn’t sleep this late in the afternoon but with tonight’s party, I didn’t want her becoming overtired and then not going to bed.
She wakes up in a good mood and eats all her dinner before enjoying a longer than I planned bath.
“And you’re going to be a good girl tonight, aren’t you? It’s going to be busy, so I don’t want you walking off anywhere, you hear me?”
“Yep, yep, yep.”
I don’t know where this yep, yep, yep, business has come from, but I laugh, shaking my head, and wrap a towel around her, grabbing another for her hair.
“Okay, do you want your hair up or down?”
“Like Elsa.”
I should’ve known she’d want the same as Elsa. I can recite the movie in my sleep for how many times she’s made me sit through it.
“Come on, then we’ll put your pretty dress on.”
She sits nicely while I do her hair and spins around once she’s in her dress. She’s too cute and I feel a pang of sadness her mom doesn’t get to see her like this.
“Yep, yep, yep.”
I’ve drawn it out long enough. After opening the window, the music’s been gradually getting louder, and the party is underway.
Before we leave, I apply a little more eyeliner than usual, but I don’t get changed. I make sure my gloves are on tight and scoop Rayna up into my arms. The house is empty as we head downstairs, and I pull the door shut behind us.
Everyone’s in the bar and I lean up on my tiptoes to look for Leo. I don’t read too much into it when he looks up from the table across the bar like he can feel me searching for him.
He jerks his chin and I push my way through the guys until we reach his table. Harper offers a small wave and a huge smile, and I smile back.