Page 40 of His End Game
“Where have you been?”
“With Grandpa Cas.”
She points across the bar, and he nods, seeing I have her now.
“Are you having fun?” I ask, tucking the stray hairs falling down around her face.
She’s a sweaty little mess, her cheeks strawberry red, and her mouth covered in chocolate.
Lifting her in my arms as I stand, I take her to the bathroom and clean her up. A yawn escapes her, and I know it won’t be long before I’ll be taking her back to the main house and putting her to bed.
On the way back to the table, I notice Zara’s moved closer to the table. Her eyes don’t leave Leo as he sits, talking with Zach and JJ.
She gives me a sick feeling and when Rayna rests her head on my shoulder, I know it’s time to go. I head back to the table and grab my phone, sliding it into my back pocket and get Leo’s attention.
“I’m gonna take her back to the house. She’s getting tired, and it’s getting a little loud for her in here.”
“Okay. Do you want me to walk you back?”
For a moment, I’m speechless. He’s never offered anything like this before. I want to nod, but I don’t. It’s not like he’s going to walk us back and stay.
“No, it’s fine.”
He stands and moves so close to me I can smell the beer on his breath. He kisses Rayna on the top her head and says goodnight. Her eyes are already drifting closed and she’s getting heavy in my arms. It’s not like he’s going to kiss me goodnight, so I duck my head and head for the door.
With one foot out, something in me has me looking over my shoulder. The last image I have of the party is Zara zeroing in on Leo and sliding her hand up from his neck and into his hair.
All night she’s been biding her time because Rayna was around, and now she’s out of the picture, Zara’s made her move. I don’t hang around to see how Leo responds. By the time I tuck Rayna into bed and climb in my own bed, it’s hard not to listen to the voice in the back of mind screaming that I’m a damn fool.
Heat presses against my back and a soft snore wakes me. Over my shoulder, Leo lies cuddled up against me, his leg locking me in place.
I didn’t hear him come in but then I don’t get the time to dwell on it. The scent of beer and cheap perfume fills my nose.
Without disturbing him, I get up and dress so fast I almost fall down. Closing the door behind me, I cringe at the click and pray it hasn’t woken him.
Opening Rayna’s door, I find her playing nicely on the floor with her dollies.
“Hey, you. How long have you been awake?”
I don’t get an answer and I get her dressed and have her downstairs, eating her breakfast before she calls out for Leo.
I quickly wash the breakfast dishes and take Rayna out the back. I need air. I need to do something before I let the tears fall. I’ve been more than a fool. I’ve been a complete idiot. It’s embarrassing. He knows how I feel about him, and I let him into my bed night after night, knowing he has whatever connection with Zara too.
Have I been that desperate for him that I’ve come to let shit like that slide? That’s never been me. Yet, one look at him and I’m done. It’s so fucking pathetic.
“Good morning. I’m surprised to see you two out here so early.”
Startled, I spin around to Victoria stepping out of the house, her skirts billowing in the light breeze and no shoes on her feet.
“We couldn’t sleep,” I lie.
“Neither could I. I thought I’d come and pick some flowers for the kitchen. Do you want to join me?”
We walk around the land and the quietness has me slipping deep into my thoughts. I have no one but myself to blame and it feels worse than having someone else make me feel so low.
I wander behind Victoria as she holds Rayna’s hand and points out each flower and teaches her their names. Every now and then, they’ll bend down, and Victoria will pick one and slide it into Rayna’s hair.