Page 43 of His End Game
“You don’t need to. I’m not and never will be yours. You’re welcome to keep hanging around for the brothers, for yourself, but do not approach me. Don’t think I’ll ever waver and spend the night with you again. Stay away from me or you’ll find you’re not welcome around here anymore.”
I walk away and head over to the house, lighting up a cigarette. I may not want the stress of the shit that comes with Holly but it’s worth it when darkness falls and I’m inside her. Zara is not worth it for me. She’s never even been a consideration.
“Where’s my kid?” I ask Bonnie, as she seems to be the only one in the house.
“Out back with your mom and dad.”
Giving her a smile, I head out back and see the three of them out in the distance. I walk over and Dad’s explaining where he wants these houses of his. I sling my arm around Mom’s shoulder.
“Hey.” She grins. “So, are you planning on moving into one of these houses your dad wants to build?”
“Haven’t given it much thought. I take it you two will?”
“I don’t know why we haven’t thought of this before,” she says in answer. “If you choose to move here, would Holly be a part of the move?” she goes on to ask.
Narrowing my eyes, I grunt, “Why wouldn’t she? She’s a live-in nanny.”
Saying it doesn’t feel right, not that it has for a while, but I can’t give my mom an inch. She’ll take a mile and run even farther with it.
“Where is she now? It’s rare she’s away from Rayna.”
“She has errands to run and couldn’t do them with Ray around her feet. Don’t read nothing into it.”
Her face scrunches up, clearly not believing me. “Anyway, I’m taking Rayna home.” Then to Dad, I say, “Sparky’s gonna be building a few of his toys. Can you make sure whoever he chooses to help him doesn’t go messing shit up?”
“Come on, Ray, let’s go home.”
My kid jumps up from the grass and runs off toward the house. Strapping her into her car seat, I pull out my phone and shoot Holly a text.
Taking Rayna home, meet me there.
She doesn’t reply but I know she’s seen it thanks to the little tick in the corner of the message.
The more I think about Dad’s idea to build at the club, the more I like it. It’ll sure beat having to drive the forty-five minutes to the cabin. The sky darkens with rain clouds hovering overhead as I pull up to the cabin. I sigh with relief to see Holly’s car parked up in her usual spot.
The smell of cooking hits me as we step inside, and Rayna makes a beeline to the kitchen, hearing Holly moving about.
“Hollllyyyyy.” Rayna beams, having missed her today.
“Hey, you. You hungry?”
She’s all smiles for my kid until she looks up at me and then quickly away.
“Yep, yep, yep.”
“Good, it’s nearly ready.”
I get the hint to sit her at the table while she dishes up dinner. At least there are three plates. I switch the television on and flick through the channels before landing on a cartoon to keep Rayna quiet.
It certainly beats the silence.
I shrug out of my cut and hang it on the back of the chair before taking a seat. Holly sits opposite but doesn’t meet my eyes once while we eat.
“Where did you go today?” I ask her.
“I just drove around for a while before coming back here.”