Page 51 of His End Game
He tips his chin and I look over at the vans lined up, waiting to go. It’ll take us a couple of hours to get to the city and plant Sparky’s toys and get out without being seen. By the time they get back to Willow’s Peak, it’ll be time for me, Zach, Mase, and Dex to do our part.
“I don’t want any of you taking risks. You stick to the plan, and you get back here. Anyone got any questions?”
Not one brother pipes up. I holler, “Let’s do this!”
Behind me, the front door opens, and I know who’ll be standing there. I turn to find Holly and Rayna. Picking up my daughter, I squeeze her tight and kiss the top of her head.
I remind myself I’m doing this for her, for my brothers’ families, all to keep them safe and the enemies far from our door.
“You be good for Holly, and I’ll see you tonight, yeah?”
“Yep, yep, yep.”
Passing her back to Holly, I go to kiss her goodbye but catch myself. I nearly forgot my own proposal.
“Be careful,” she says and all I can do is nod.
“I will.”
My eyes fall to her gloves, and I hope one day she’ll wear her scars proudly, then curse myself. It’s not like I take my own advice.
I walk by the motorcycles lined up by the garages and watch as the brothers say goodbye to their old ladies and kids. There’s a lot riding on today and I have no intention of failing.
Zachery, Dex, Mason, and myself climb into our van, all our gear packed, ready to go, and I slam the door shut.
Chapter Fourteen
The club has a different vibe when the brothers are gone. Only Cas, Pope, and a brother called Grim remained behind as we watched the vans leave and the gates close and lock up behind them. Rayna and I took a nap after getting up so early and the day passes agonisingly slowly. Baking hundreds of cookies, playing dollies, and reading with Rayna does nothing to make the time pass faster, or take my mind off of what Leo and the guys are doing.
I’m about to put a movie on for her when Cas strolls in and she runs over to him.
“You wanna come out back with Grandpa and see where I’m gonna build you a house?”
“Yep, yep, yep.”
They disappear into the kitchen and then out the back door. Rather than sit around twiddling my thumbs, I walk over to the bar. It’s so quiet and I steer clear of Pope sitting in the corner, reading a paperback.
I grab a beer and drop enough money in the cash box to cover it. I’m about to slide onto a stool and mind my own business when Pope calls me over.
He never talks to me, and an uneasy feeling washes over me as I head over to his table. It’s hard to believe he was once as young as Leo, but I don’t doubt he was ruthless. I’ve heard whispers about him, and I believe every single one. I can see the truth in his eyes and it’s dark and scary.
“How can I help you?” I say, hoping he doesn’t hear the edge in my voice.
“Can you get me a glass of water, please?”
In the kitchen, I stumble in and spin around so fast, I nearly stumble into the fridge, wishing I didn’t see what I think I just saw.
“Sorry, Holly,” Grim says then I hear his belt being buckled. I’m not exactly a prude but I don’t want to see people who I see most days, in their most intimate moments.
“You didn’t have to turn around. It’s not like we’re back in school.” Zara laughs.
I turn around and Zara’s pulling her dress down her thighs.
“I’ll catch up with you later, Zee,” Grim says and rushes out so fast, I nearly don’t have time to move out of his way.