Page 60 of His End Game
“I don’t want her going to a public school. I want you to homeschool her.”
Is he serious? “That’s so much more than being her nanny.”
“You after more money?”
“Leo,” I snap.
“Yeah, I know, it was uncalled for. I’m sorry.”
“It’s okay. If you’re serious about want her homeschooled, I’ll look into it and see what you need to do.”
The officer calls time and from previous experience, they don’t give much of it to say your goodbyes.
Leo hugs and kisses Rayna and my eyes float across the room. I see Zachery clinging to Nina, even though the guard is on his case to pull apart. The same goes for Mason and Aspen. And for me, no guards are interested because there’s no chance Leo and I would find ourselves in their position.
“I’ll call tonight, yeah.”
“She’ll be waiting.”
He calls every night and says goodnight to Rayna, and to make sure I’ve locked up and set the alarm. His calls are as frustrating as these visits.
“Take care of yourself,” he says to me. With no kisses or hugs for me, I take a crying Rayna from him.
“I will,” I promise.
Aspen’s sitting in the passenger seat when we reach the car, and the prospect jumps out to open my door.
I listen to Aspen try to hide her sobs and I squeeze my eyes shut, closing off my pain from the world. The drive takes forever and I’m glad to jump out and stretch my legs once we’re back at the club.
I’ll let Rayna see Cas and Alannah for a while and then get her back to the cabin in time for dinner. Kristen wanted to take care of Rayna when Leo was sent down and Alannah thought it was best, she went to stay with her and Cas. But Leo was adamant Rayna’s life wasn’t to change any more than his absence has caused. The relief that surged through me, hearing him vouch for me, should’ve knocked me over. I’m not ready to let go of her and I doubt I ever will.
“You okay?” Shane asks.
“I’m fine,” I lie, plastering on a smile.
“You sure? I mean, no offence, but I don’t really see you talking to many people around here. If you ever wanna talk, I’m around.”
“Thanks. I’d like that, maybe.”
“Unless… you want to go for a drink some time?”
Aspen climbs out of the passenger side, and I step back.
“She’ll see you around, Prospect,” she mutters and he’s quick to disappear.
She doesn’t say anything to me and slinks into the bar, no doubt going in search of Emma. Forgetting about Alannah and Cas, I transfer Rayna from the truck to my car and drive us home.
Chapter Seventeen
The pod we’re locked in twenty-three hours out of the day is too fucking loud and there’s nothing I can do to block it out. The cell I share with Mason at the far end of the pod offers no respite from the constant stream of noise. If it’s not guys hollering, fighting, laughing, it’s doors slamming shut, the buzz from the televisions some of the inmates have rented in the background. It didn’t take long to find the lay of the land and to expect certain noises at certain times of the day. When it comes to impending fights, they’re piss easy to expect. The atmosphere in the pod changes. Inmates quieten, all keeping their eyes wide open and themselves close to the wall. The biggest giveaway is they tie their laces. You can’t be caught out with bare feet.
But the only thing worse than the constant stream of noise is loved ones visiting and then leaving without you. Once I get out of here, I’ll never take my freedom for granted again. If it weren’t for Rayna and Holly, I would’ve had a visit from JJ today but either way, watching any of them go kills me just as much.
He’s busy scoping out possible locations Effie could be hiding herself. Since I’m locked in here for the next sixteen months, all I can do is wait on information from him. He’s proving himself as my VP, like I knew he would, and stepping up. He’s handling the runs and so far, he hasn’t hit any trouble. Dad and Sparky are on standby, but my boy is showing his worth and doing me proud. The brothers are following him, just like I knew they would.