Page 64 of His End Game
“You touch him again, and I’ll bury my fingers into your eye sockets so deep, I’ll pierce your fucking brain.”
The kid doesn’t look older than twenty-one and I lean on the rail, watching closely. A strangely awkward kid hovers behind them, holding himself like he’s seconds away from pissing his pants. The guy has strong loyalty, and he ushers his friend by me.
“You’ve gotta watch your back, man. How many times have I gotta remind you? I’m getting out soon. I won’t be around to save your ass,” I hear as they pass, and I carry on up to my cell.
Dex and Zach are in yet another card game and Mase is sitting on the edge of my bunk, forearms resting on his thighs and flexing his hands into fists. He’s on edge and if he’s on edge, it puts me in the same place when I’m around him.
“What’s going on?” I ask, taking a seat next to him.
“Some punk keeps looking at me, and since you put us on a no-fighting ban, I’m struggling to hold myself in check,” he admits.
This is a first—Mason listening to me.
“Who?” I ask.
“The skinhead three up from us.”
Though I don’t want us fighting, I also don’t want us being seen as weak and easy targets.
“You can have him, Mase, just not recklessly. We’ll plan something special for him.”
This calms him down and I remember the fight I saw on my way up.
“This is gonna sound crazy, but there’s a guy I want you all to watch. I don’t know when, but I heard him say he’s getting out soon. I want to know who he is before he walks out of here.”
“Point him out at dinner,” Dex says and then asks, “You gonna tell us why?”
“Luca is looking for young, loyal, men. I don’t know… this kid is giving me those vibes.”
Luca’s chapter needs to be ruthlessly strong and loyal to my brother. There can’t be any stones unturned when it comes to sending men his way on who they are.
Chapter Eighteen
My mood is slipping into darkness. Kristen is waiting with such a bright grin that it melts my heart. Her love for Rayna is so pure and needed in her life. I fully understand the little girl’s effect on everyone. I personally can admit she’s the reason I haven’t slipped completely into the darkness. She’s my little warrior and she doesn’t have any idea.
I park up next to the main house, and she opens Rayna’s door before I can get out. I make sure to grab Rayna’s blanket and dread the next few minutes. Dropping off Rayna for the day isn’t so bad, but when she goes to her grandparents for the weekend, it’s too much time to be alone for me.
Forty-eight hours to myself and I wish it were already Sunday evening.
“Say goodbye to Holly.” Kristen beams to Rayna, and she waves as she’s transferred into Kristen’s car.
Here we go. The countdown till I pick her up begins. I should go visit my mom, but I don’t fancy having the door shut on my face again. I felt like a fraud going to my dad’s funeral before she made it clear I was the reason for the stress on his heart. I hadn’t realised how fragile I was and if it weren’t for Harper coming with me, I reckon I would’ve crumbled.
“Hey, Holly.”
I turn around, hearing my name and Shane jogs over to me. I focus on him rather than watch Kristen drive out with my reason for smiling.
“Hi, what can I do for you?”
“I was wondering if you wanted to get that drink?”
My first instinct is to politely decline, but for once, I need something in my life other than the waiting around, trying to find something that never fulfils me.
“Okay, sure. I’d like that.”
I ignore the sickness, wanting me to change my mind, and smile.