Page 23 of The Club Family
“I get it, but I don’t want to see you alone for the rest of your life.”
“You’re going soft, old man. You know that, right?”
“Fuck you.”
When my phone vibrates in my pocket, my stomach drops. Could there really be trouble this early in the morning?
The number for the Haywards flashes across the screen. Backing up to the stairs, I gesture that I need to take the call.
Whatever’s going on with Leo and the nanny is his business. And if nothing happens between them, all I can do is hope that one day, he finds someone to call his. For a man so young, he’s felt death and pain, and he deserves someone who will love him despite the armour he wraps himself in.
“Cas speaking,” I answer as I step outside the house.
“It’s Jamie Boy. We’re pulling up now, so have your prospect open the gate.”
The call ends, and I whistle over to the prospect, motioning for him to open the gate. Once the SUV pulls into the lot, I make my way over as the prospect closes up behind him.
His driver, Ben, climbs out first and opens the door for Jamie Boy. It’s strange to me how both of our souls are so dark and twisted, yet how we go about our lives is so different. Splashing cash to show off wealth isn’t me, but Jamie Boy and his brothers drip with it. One look, and all you can see is money.
“Sorry it’s early, but we’re moving more in the night now, and this is me finishing up before heading home.”
Home? I’m not surprised they’ve found somewhere to settle while away from London. Not that we know where it is.
“As you can see, I’m up. Let’s get a coffee.”
I hope the pot’s been filled. I’ve got a feeling I’m going to need a large mug of the bitter liquid to endure this conversation.
The bar is empty, apart from the prospect following us in. Jamie Boy and Ben follow me into the kitchen and take a seat at the table, while Jamie Boy takes in his surroundings. I bet his kitchen is ten times the size of ours, and worth a hell of a lot more.
The coffee pot is ready to go, and I pour three mugs. They can help themselves to sugar and cream, as I drink mine black.
Sitting across from them, Jamie Boy takes in my every move. They don’t intimidate me, but the Haywards are even more guarded than us.
“Did you want the brothers here?” I ask.
“I wanted to talk to you. After I’ve gone, it’s up to you if you share our conversation with them or not.”
I remind myself our relationship with the Haywards is too beneficial financially and bite my tongue.
“How can I help?”
“We’ve heard you’re looking to set up a new charter in Bolton. We were wondering why you haven’t told us?”
How the fuck would they know that?
Making sure I give nothing away, like the fact that I want to leap across the table and slam his head against the wood, I say, “I don’t see why it’s got anything to do with you. We set up charters all over.”
“Considering it’s in a territory we’re moving in to take over, you should’ve told us.”
Draining half my coffee, I put the mug down and cross my arms over my chest.
“Are you accusing us of moving against you? Because that’s something I’d take offence to.”
“Not accusing. Just wondering, that’s all.”
Yeah, okay,I refrain from snorting.
“It makes sense for us. Once you take over, you’ll need permanent boots on the ground. And like I said, we set up new charters all over the place. It wasn’t a secret.”