Page 43 of The Club Family
“No one is to shoot unless you hear me yell,” Luca instructs.
“Jer, you and Tar behind the cars,” Darius orders his boys, and Luca looks to me and Angel.
Luca points to me, then to Angel. “You two with Darius and me.” Turning to Leo, he says, “You and Zachery set up in the upstairs bedrooms—windows open, lights off. Don’t be seen.”
The two of them run into the house, leaving Angel and me to follow behind Luca and Darius. When I see the ladder that’s been set up against the back of the house, my stomach flips.
Pushing my shoulders back, I roll my neck and take a deep breath.
“You waiting for something?” Luca snaps.
“Yeah, for you to go up first. I wanna make sure the roof doesn’t give before I get up there.”
“You scared, Jay?”
“Fuck you.”
The four of us haul our asses up the ladder—me choosing to go last—and we crawl up to the centre of the roof. Lying on our fronts, we position ourselves and wait.
“How much are we betting this time?” Angel asks Luca.
These fuckers bet on every shootout, and it winds Leo up something crazy, thinking it’ll put them in more danger.
“Twenty for each body you drop.”
Darius meets my eye, and I shake my head to leave it alone.
“You’re on.”
Two cars roll up the street, and the air becomes thick with tension. With a violent excitement running through me, I release the safety on my gun, as do the others.
“If you can, leave one alive,” Luca advises. “It’ll be nice to take one back as a gift for the others.”
“A gift?” Darius inquires.
“We’re on lockdown. The brothers will appreciate something to do, and beating the shit out of one of her men will go a long way to cure some of their boredom.”
The SUVs kill their lights and come to a slow stop. The street is too quiet. If I were one of them, my gut would be screaming that something was off. But the doors open, and ten men stealthily climb out, all carrying a piece. My heart pounds in anticipation as we watch them move silently toward the house.
As soon as one of them opens the gate, Luca orders, “Now.”
With our silencers, the shots go unnoticed until their men start hitting the ground around the ones lucky to still be breathing. They immediately freeze, then quickly spin around to see where the shots are coming from.
“Again,” Luca whispers.
Four more men hit the ground, and while the two remaining ones run for the SUVs, I take one out as he reaches the gate, while Angel shoots the last remaining prick in the leg before he can jump over my guy and escape.
Not a single curtain twitches. The neighbours don’t have a clue as to what’s just gone down.
I smile over at Darius. “And that’s how it’s done.”
Once I climb down the ladder and my feet hit solid ground, I vow to never put myself up on a roof again.
By the time we walk around to the front of the house, Leo and Zachery are dragging the bleeding gift for the club toward our van.
Darius’s boys come out from where they were set up, and two of them jump into the SUVs and drive off. I guess they’ll be taken to a cut shop. No doubt they’ll make good money off of them.
“You could’ve let us get a shot in,” Tariq grumbles.