Page 53 of The Club Family
There’s no pretending that Zara is India. There are no moments of make believe with her. She’s nothing but a release.
“Zara doesn’t expect anything from me ’cause she understands I have nothing to give. She’s just a wet and warm pussy to sink into.”
I walk out and hear her gasp. It takes everything I have not to slam the door, because it would wake Rayna up.
As soon as I step outside, I light a cigarette and inhale until my lungs scream for air.
Holly is too much like India. I knew it the moment I saw her riddled with fever on the bathroom floor. I should’ve left her there, let someone else deal with her when the infection was eating at her hands, but I couldn’t walk away. Zara is nothing but a fuck… a fuck no one was ever supposed to know about.
“Who’s pissed you off?”
Blinking long and hard, I focus and Luca’s standing in front of me, one brow raised as he waits for me to answer.
“No one,” I lie.
“Fine.” He knows I’m lying, but he leaves it at that. “So I need to talk to you about something. Have you got a minute?”
I could do with something else to focus on, so I tell him, “Sure.”
I take a seat on the step and listen to him explain Dad’s plan for him to move to Dog City.
When he’s finished, he asks, “What do you think?”
“I think Dad’s setting out the future, and it makes sense to put you in Dog City. I saw you the other night. You were quick on your feet, and your decisions were spot on.”
“You reckon I could lead a club, though?”
“Iknowyou could.”
The more I think about it, the more it fits. Dad’s making it so both his sons have power. It’s something I would do in his position.
“What about Victoria? Have you spoken to her about it?”
“She loves it around here, and her family is here. She’s worried, though, because it’s not like Pope can just swing by. But she understands the club, and if Dog City is where I need to be, she’ll be at my side.”
I’m happy my little brother has found someone who’s loyal to him, and loves him unconditionally. I had that once, and I fucking miss it with every breath I take.
“When he puts your name forward, you’ll have my vote,” I assure him.
I can see what Dad is trying to put into play when the time comes. Me here, and Luca not too far, but still far enough that the two charters won’t clash.
“What do you guess the others will think?”
“I can see some of the old-timers thinking you’re too young for such a responsibility, but I don’t think it’d effect the vote. Do you want it?”
“I think I do, yeah, as long as I have Tor by my side.”
“You know what it’ll mean?”
“It’ll give the club a strength it’s never had before.”
Victoria walks out of the house, spots us, and walks over. Luca’s shoulders ease at having her in his sight, and I find myself feeling jealous.
“Hey, Leo,” she says brightly as Luca slides his arm around her.
“Hey. You good?”