Page 62 of The Club Family
“I’m glad I didn’t kick you out all those years ago. I kinda like you around, Bon.”
I walk out of the kitchen to brothers settling up around the bar, trying to get some rest while the old ladies and kids sleep up in their rooms.
Bonnie’s right. This is the future I wanted for my sons. For all the shit we’ve lost over the years, there’s still a lot to be proud of. This club is everything I wanted it to be.
I hope it does survive seven generations. It’s something I’d love to see. Though I’ll be dust and bones in my grave, at least I’ll be resting in peace, knowing the patch will live on forever.
Chapter Eighteen
The old ladies have taken up the rooms, leaving the brothers to sleep down in the bar. Heading up to my old room, I quietly open the door and see Harper sleeping peacefully, curled up in the middle of the bed. I should be beside her, but thanks to the fucking feds outside, it’s not happening tonight.
This siege, or whatever the fuck it is, cannot end badly. Harper needs me more than ever, and there’s no way I’m missing out on my son being born.
Closing the door, I head back up to the roof, keeping low.
Dad took up watch a couple of hours ago, and I can only make out where he’s at by the cherry glowing red as he inhales on his cigarette. Sitting beside him, I pull out my pack and light my own.
“How do you see this playing out?” I ask him, shoving my lighter into my pocket.
“Either us all in cuffs, or us shooting to the bloody end, with the ones who survive still in ending up in cuffs.”
“You think it’ll come to that?”
“It’s the only two options we have.”
What a goddamn clusterfuck.
“How long do you think they’ll wait around?”
He flicks his cigarette butt over the edge of the roof and grunts, “Fuck knows. What’s with all the questions?”
“Shit, Dad. I think I have a right to ask.”
“If you’re worried about Harper and the baby, don’t. Your mom and Alannah will look after them.”
I know that, but it’s my job to look out for them.
Looking at me, he sighs. “Son, this heat on us right now is shit we haven’t seen before. This is… Just keep your eyes open, and don’t lose your cool.”
Finishing my cigarette, we sit in silence.
“You should try to get some sleep. I’ll come get you when it’s your turn to watch.”
Hauling my ass down from the roof, I keep to the wall, covered in darkness, and slip in through the side door.
Leo is sitting at the bar. Knowing I won’t find sleep anytime soon, I grab a beer and join him.
“You can’t sleep either?”
“Nope. Too much running through my mind.”
I raise my brow. “Like?”
“Holly. Rayna in danger. My dad including me more in dealing with this place. And I found out he’s gonna put Luca forward for president over the new charter.”
“Shit. Really? Ain’t he a little young for the top patch?”