Page 73 of The Club Family
“What the fuck are you talking about? Of course it’s on good terms. My son is taking my place.”
“So you’re not pissed Cas is stepping down?”
“I was at first, but after talking with him, I see it’s time. I’ll be damn proud to hand it over to you.”
“You’re talking like Leo will get the votes and choose me to be his VP.”
Filling his glass, he snorts. “It’s a given, son. Me and Cas, this is what we’ve wanted for years. You and Leo couldn’t be closer than you are. You’ll do great things. That, we’re sure of.”
A shot pierces the air, forcing brothers to their feet. Considering everyone’s inside, and Cas and Leo are outside, knowing that’s where the shot came from, I run for the door, only to skid to a stop when I see Cas covered in blood. But it’s Leo who’s leaning against him, and my stomach drops.
He falls to his knees. Cas, trying to hold on to his son, falls down with him and lays him on the ground.
One shot.
“What the…” Mason whispers, then shouts, “There’s someone at the gate!”
Drawing my gun, I run toward the fucker still holding his pistol, firing off every round as I go. The twins back me up, with Zachery coming up next to me. By the time I crash into the metal railings of the gate, the prick is bleeding from numerous bullet holes, his weapon a foot away from him on the ground.
Yanking open the gate, I get a closer look at his cut. It’s the president of the Dead Rats. His eyes are wide open, and with the last two bullets, I pop one in each socket.
Alannah’s screams bring me back to the reason we’re out here, and I run over to Leo. This is not how my brother goes down.
“Get Rudi out here!” Cas bellows.
“Where was he shot?” I bark, dropping to my knees at his side.
“In the back,” Cas manages to choke out.
Seeing Leo’s eyes roll around, I grab his face, forcing him to focus on me.
“Don’t you dare leave us.”
“Rayna… she…”
“She’ll be fine—you’re gonna be fine.”
He coughs on the blood trapped in his throat, and it splatters across his cheeks as he brings it up.
“I swear to God, if you go and die on me, I’ll never forgive you.”
“You… just want… the patch.”
“Least you’re able to joke around.”
In the background, I hear Alannah crying on the phone, presumably to emergency services.
“The fucker’s dead, son,” Cas assures him.
Rudi races toward us and does her thing, but I don’t dare look away from him.
“She’s here,” he whispers through an eerie, bloody smile.
“Who?” Cas asks.
“Indie… she’s here.”
I slap his cheek so hard, it should snap him out of whatever he thinks he’s seeing.