Page 79 of The Club Family
“There’ll never be a time I can’t have you,” I growl, pressing my lips to her hip bone.
“I guess we’ll see,” she purrs as I climb up her body and steal her lips.
The time for talking is over. Our kid will have two doting grandmothers who’ll no doubt babysit whenever we want them to.
I guide my dick to her entrance and inch forward slowly until I’m fully buried inside of her.
“If you don’t start moving, I’ll deny you for the next year.”
Continuing to move slowly, I say, “You’re too fucking cute when you threaten me, but we both know you couldn’t go a year without my cock.” I slam into her and her back arches, pressing her tits against my chest.
“I’m not sure you want to find out…” Pounding into her, I rock my hips back when she adds, “I think you’d break before I do.”
I take her mouth to stop this fucking madness while hitting her hard and fast, swallowing her cries as I do. Sliding my hand under her head, I pull her closer. When she bites down on my shoulder, I’m done for, pumping everything I have into her as I shudder through my release.
“Maybe I’ll deny you my dick till you agree to have a baby,” I pant.
Thrusting in one last time, I pull out and roll to the side. Entwining her leg with mine, she reaches over and scrapes her nails down my chest.
“I’d like to see you try. I bet you couldn’t go a week without being inside of me.”
Just to prove a point, I want to take that bet. But I know as well as she does, I’d be at her feet within twenty-four hours.
“Maybe we should just wait the year, then?”
Laughing, she presses a kiss to my jaw and snuggles close. “You should try to get some sleep. Whatever comes tomorrow, I reckon you’ll need your energy.”
Kissing her good night, I roll onto my side and pull her against me. I don’t know if sleep will come tonight, but as there’s nothing I can do, I’m more than content to hold Tor while she sleeps.
Chapter Twenty-Two
Alannah sits opposite of me, with Leo’s hospital bed between us. The minutes tick by slowly, and with each passing hour, a piece of my soul cracks when my son doesn’t open his eyes. Alannah’s eyes are red and puffy, but there are no tears falling. Leaning forward, I rest my arms on my thighs while holding my head in my hands.
“I made the announcement I’m stepping down. The brothers will vote on Leo this Saturday.”
Fresh tears roll down her cheeks. “He might not be—”
“Don’t say it. He’ll wake up.” Not having the chance to tell her about Luca, I brace myself. “I also put Luca forward to be president over the new charter, and the club voted him in last night. As soon as the ink’s dry on the property, he’ll be making the move to the city.”
For a long moment, she stares at me coldly, her red eyes narrowing into angry slits. She’s the only person walking this earth who can send my balls up into my stomach with only a look.
“And it’s already been put to the vote?” she finally asks.
I nod.
“Our son is moving to the city to take charge of a chapter that has no members yet? Our son, who has barely worn the patch a year?”
Again, I nod.
“Christ, Cas. You didn’t think to talk it through with me first?”
“Babe, you’re thinking like a mom. This is club business.”
“That’s not fair. I always want what’s best for the club.”
“And to me, this is it.” I move my chair around the bed next to her. “Once Leo’s up and about, and you can see things clearly again, you’ll see I’m right.”