Page 88 of The Club Family
Pride shines in his eyes, and it’s in this moment that I’m all in. My brother is lying in a hospital bed, waiting for a bullet to move so it can be removed, but my father is sitting here, alive and breathing across from me.
“I’ll look forward to it, Dad.”
His eyes dart to mine. For a moment, I want to take the word back, until he grins and says, “It’s like that, huh?”
“Yeah, it’s like that.”
“It’s about time.”
And the regret washes away.
I’m now complete.
Chapter Twenty-Four
My grandson is fucking perfect. He arrived a little early, and apart from needing a little help with his breathing, he’s as healthy as a horse. A tiny bundle of perfection. His birth is a reminder that for all the shit we go through, there’s always a reason to fight through. With such good news for once, we just need Leo to wake up, and everything will be as it should be.
The sound of boots behind me has me turning, and that’s when I see the sheriff heading my way. At least she’s not wearing that cocksure grin.
I could do with another cigarette.
“You seem to have powerful friends, Mr. Jackson.”
“More powerful than yours, it seems. We’ve known since before you got to town that you’re on Effie Rathbone’s payroll.”
The shock that her corruption isn’t so secret after all is fleeting, and she masks it with her cunt face once again.
“Regardless of friends, the law is the law, and I will catch you out one day. I’ll be waiting.”
“That’s nice,” I smart, not giving a shit.
“No one is untouchable,” she goes on to say. “Your club has had free rein for far too long.”
“And it will continue for many more years. You don’t seem to understand that I live knowing you’re at our backs. Every move I make has you in mind. You have nothing over me that I fear. And never forget, you’re not untouchable, either. That badge of yours means shit.”
“One day, you will fear me, and I’ll be your only problem. Mark my words, Mr. Jackson. I’m gunning for you.”
Raising my brow, I huff, “And still, I feel nothing.”
Alannah rushes out of the hospital, and whatever the sheriff was about to say is ignored as I move around her and head for my wife.
“What is it? Is he awake?”
Please fucking say he’s woken up.
“The bullet’s moved, and they’re preparing to take him back down to surgery.”
It’s not as good as him waking up, but it’s still good news. Taking hold of my wife’s hand, we head back up to Leo’s room. Though I knew he wouldn’t be here, his empty room still knocks me back.
“Did they say how long it’s going to take?” I ask her, pulling her against me.
“No, and I forgot to ask. Dammit.”
“It’s fine. He’s going to be fine,” I assure her.
“Let’s go see Harper while we wait. If we have to sit around here staring at the clock, I’m going to scream.”