Page 12 of Forgiving Chase
“There is nothing to tell,” Jacquie insisted.
“Uh huh,” Callie said, not buying a word of it.
“Can we talk about the truck you saw in the parking lot?” Josh asked, cutting into their conversation with a frown on his face. “What was Chase talking about?”
“I thought I saw the truck that ran me off the road last night out front.” She gestured toward the window. “He was driving around back so I started down to the parking lot to try to get the license plate number, when I ran into Chase in the stairwell. That was quite the shock.” She narrowed her eyes as she stared up at him. “A little heads-up that you asked him to help with the case would have been nice.”
“I planned on telling you when I got here. He beat me to the punch.”
“Wait.” Callie grinned and leaned toward her. “Do you and that hottie have a history? If so, I want to hear all about it.”
Jacquie bit down on her lip.
“Oh.” Callie’s eyes widened. “You must tell me everything.”
“Can we stay on topic?” Josh’s words held a hint of annoyance, though he could never be mad at Callie for long. “Next time, call me before running off on your own. Especially since you're not cleared for duty yet.”
Jacquie fought a grin. “Are you speaking as my boss or my brother?”
Josh took the chair next to the bed that Chase had sat in earlier. “Jacquie, someone wants you dead. I’m sorry to be so blunt, but I don't want you taking any more chances. Promise me you’ll be more careful and take this threat more seriously.”
He was worried about her. The thought sobered her up instantly. “Okay, I promise.”
“Good. Now you weren't real clear on events when Chase questioned you.”
She bit her lip. “I know.”
He stood. “Take a few minutes and think about what happened while I walk Callie out.”
Callie looked up at him with surprise, opened her mouth to protest, then shut it again. She reached over and gave Jacquie a hug. “You take care of yourself. I'll see you soon, and then I want all the details.”
“Okay. Thanks for coming, and for the muffins.”
“You bet.” She grinned. “Don't be afraid to use them as bribes, especially with that grumpy doctor.”
“I will.” Jacquie watched her friend and Josh leave the room. She closed her eyes and tried to piece her thoughts together. She wished she could sequence the events the way they'd happened when she woke in the hospital last night, but everything was so fuzzy. Once she heard Chase’s—no, Aiden’s voice, all bets were off. Everything became a jumbled mess.
Because she still had feelings for Chase. Even after all this time, and even though she wanted to deny it. Even now, her stomach had little butterflies of expectation just thinking about him coming back into the room. Apparently her foolish heart didn’t learn its lesson the last time around. She’d have to steer clear of the man until he left town again. Which shouldn’t be too long.
She picked up her notepad off the table and began writing a timeline of everything that had happened the night before as she remembered it. There were still so many gray areas that were fuzzy and not quite in focus. Was Aiden the one who drugged her? If so, why? He wasn't the man from the gas station, of that she was certain. She jotted down as many details about that man as she could.
“Aiden,” Sylvia called out.
Jacquie glanced at the curtain separating the two beds. Sylvia wouldn't be thinking about Aiden in her sleep unless she'd seen him recently. Chase had to come to grips with the fact that his brother was involved in this case. Whether he wanted to believe it or not.
“How’s it coming?” Josh asked as he came back into the room.
“I’m not sure what bothers me more, getting run off the road or finding Chase in the stairwell.” She sighed. “I’m ready to go home and see my dog.”
“Good, cause I just got off the phone with Dad and that little dog of yours is driving him nuts.”
She laughed and set her notepad on the side table. “That must mean my little Killer is okay.”
“Better than okay. Why is she so ornery?”
“What are you talking about? She's a sweetie!”
Josh's eyes widened as he gave her a you-got-to-be-kidding stare but wisely didn't say anything.