Page 39 of Forgiving Chase
“Yes, Aiden was the driver.”
Josh frowned. “I don’t understand. If it was an accident, what was the issue?”
“They were fighting, and scared. His dad fired a gun at the windshield. The boys ducked. Dad was hit by the car.”
“Sounds like there was no reason to run.”
“Except Aiden had been in trouble before, and he’d hit his dad in the head with a shovel before the accident. Their dad was wobbly, disoriented. Bleeding. That might have been why he didn’t move out of the way. Sheriff Donovan gave him a choice: take his chances in court and most likely get manslaughter, or join the Army.”
“Let me guess.” Josh flashed her a knowing look. “He wouldn’t go without Chase.”
Josh nodded and, with a tired sigh, added, “Chase always did feel responsible for his brother.”
“Their dad was a piece of work.” She winced against her own memory—how had she missed what Chase had been going through back then? “Used to beat them. A lot.”
“Sorry. I didn’t know.”
She shook her head sadly. “Me, either.”
They were silent for a long moment as they got into the truck and ate their sandwiches.
“I still care about Chase. A lot. It’s funny, I’ve been angry at him for so long that I couldn’t fathom the thought of ever seeing him again. But once he told me what happened, all that anger disappeared. Deep down, he’s a good man. He tried to do the right thing by his brother. I can’t blame him for that.”
“Looks like he feels the same way about you.”
“Maybe. But can I trust him not to destroy everything we’re building for his brother again?”
Josh shook his head. “Only Chase can answer that.” He reached over and rubbed Killer’s head as she sat in her lap. “One thing I do know.”
“What’s that?” she asked while taking her last bite. Barbecue had never tasted so good.
“Killer trusts him.”
Jacquie’s smiled as she nuzzled her dog. “I know. I can’t believe she ran straight to him. It’s crazy.”
“I agree, it took me weeks before she’d even let me touch her. Maybe she knows something about Chase we don’t.”
“Yeah, he’s a smooth operator.” She laughed. “I think we need to drop off Killer at the house on the way to the hospital.”
“Nice try,” Josh said. “The ranch is out of the way, and I know you’ll pressure me to let you stay once we’re there. We can drop her off with Mary at the office.”
Jacquie gave him a skeptical look. “Does Mary like Chihuahuas?”
Josh grimaced. “Okay, how about if we take her to Callie’s?”
She grinned. “Better idea.”
They walked out to his car, and as she buckled herself into the seat, fatigue washed over her. Her limbs felt like lead and her eyelids drooped closed, requiring an immense effort to open them again. All she really wanted to do was go home and climb into her bed. She closed her eyes, and a moment later, they pulled up in front of the coffee shop. Callie ran out to the curb to meet them.
“Well, hello. This is a surprise. I was planning to come by and see you after work,” she said to Jacquie and hugged her through the window, then threw Josh a quick kiss. “And you too.”
“You still can,” Josh said. “But would you mind watching Killer for a couple hours?”
“Not at all. I just made Buddy some banana treats. Can she have one?”
Jacquie handed her the dog. “A small one. She has to watch her tiny figure.”