Page 51 of Forgiving Chase
“The McDonald Ranch.”
“McDonald? Did I hear that right?” Josh sounded incensed.
“Yes. Why?”
“Commissioner McDonald. I just arrested his sons for trying to kill me last month. The commissioner was pissed,” Josh said. “I’m on my way.”
“Good. We’re parked behind the barn in the trees to the right of the road.”
“Great, just great,” Aiden said as Chase hung up the phone. “This is my op and you’re pissing all over it.”
“Seems to me you did a good job of that all on your own, and I won’t even mention how badly you hurt Mom. She knew you were in town—her friends from church saw you. She saw you, and now someone has trashed her house. She’s lost everything.”
“I feel bad about that, I really do,” Aiden said.
Chase wished he could believe him, but as Jacquie pointed out, he didn’t know who Aiden was anymore. “Don’t feel bad. Figure out a way to make it up to her.”
“Fine. What about you?” Aiden asked, a challenge in his eye.
“What about me?”
“When was the last time you were here to visit?”
“We’re not going to talk about me. We’re going to talk about Jacquie. Do you think there’s a chance this Quentin guy has her?”
Aiden stilled for a minute and the look on his face made Chase’s knees weak.
“Tell me.”
“The guy was obsessed with finding her. Didn’t like that she saw him at the gas station that night.”
“I’m sure she’s not the only one in town who’s seen him.”
“No, but he seemed to be captivated by the idea that she was a cop. Plus—” He stopped talking and turned his back on Chase.
“Plus what.”
“He’s been talking a lot about joining this human trafficking ring he’d found out about.”
“Yeah. He’s been trying to push the bossman in that direction. He’s hoping once we are established in Georgia, he can work that angle too.”
“And you think he might want to traffic Jacquie? That’s insane.”
“And the other girl, Courtney. It’s why she’s still breathing.”
Chase looked at him, eyes wide.
“Don’t look at me like that. There was nothing I could do to save Tina. I wasn’t there when it all went down. I told you, this guy is bad news.”
Chase clamped down on the adrenaline surging through his veins. “Okay, enough waiting for the boss. We need to find out where Jacquie is. I’m going to check the barn, if he has her, he’ll be holding her and the other woman together.”
“Perhaps.” They started through the woods. Aiden right by his side. To help, or hinder?“What’s going on with you two?” Aiden asked.
Chase narrowed his gaze. “What do you mean?”
“I saw you two together more than once. It was obvious there’s something between you. Have you and Jacquie gotten back together?”