Page 53 of Forgiving Chase
“Welcome to reality, brother.”
Chase shook his head. The Escalade parked in front of the ranch house at the end of a circular drive. As they reached the front of the large red barn set behind the house, they saw an older-model blue pickup truck parked in front.Quentin. “Jacquie could be in that barn. I’m going in.”
“All right, but all we have is the element of surprise. We’ll take the barn first, take down Quentin and anyone else that’s in there, then move on to the big guys in the house. Are you ready to storm the castle?”
Chase took his gun out of the holster and chambered a round. “Let’s do it.”
They weaved through the trees, trying to get as close to the barn as they could without being seen. They didn’t know how many men were in there, or how many weapons. They ran along the side of the barn and slipped inside. No one was in sight. In fact, it didn’t look like anyone was there.
They peered into empty stalls and slowly opened doors, but didn’t see anyone. They had just finished checking the front of the barn and were on their way toward the back when a door on the far wall cracked open.
Chase stopped, darting out of sight.
Jacquie hadthe bot knife in her hand as she cracked open the door. No one was in sight. She and Courtney stepped out of the tack room, moving the way she’d come in, toward the front of the barn.
They stopped as they heard voices ahead. Jacquie quickly looked around for somewhere to hide.
“What are you doing here?” she heard Quentin say.
“I’m here to help.” Aiden’s voice.
Where was Chase?
She put her hand on Courtney’s arm and started to move back the way they came, hoping there was another way out of the barn.
“We don’t want help from liars. I suggest you disappear, before the bossman hears about who you really are,Aiden.”
“What are you talking about?” Aiden said, his tone accusatory.
Jacquie spotted a door at the far end of the barn and hurried toward it with Courtney following behind, trying not to make a sound.
“Your name isn’t Bryce!” Quentin yelled, his voice echoing through the rafters.
“So you trashed my mom’s house.”
“Yeah. Had a little fun doing it too. I don’t take well to people that lie to me. Now you have a choice, either get out of here and never look back, or be buried out in the woods. It’s up to you.”
The voices were moving closer. Even though she could hear Courtney struggling, Jacquie quickened her pace
“Shouldn’t we let the bossman decide whether I stay or go?” Aiden asked.
“We can’t trust you.”
They weren’t going to make it. Jacquie saw a stall ahead and thought that maybe they should hide.
“Just because I changed my name?” Aiden said. “I didn’t want my mom or anyone else to know I was in town. I got in a little trouble here when I was young, was forced to leave. Didn’t want anyone to know I was back is all.”
“But they did know, didn’t they, Aiden?”
“So I changed my name, that doesn’t mean anything.”
Jacquie was just heading into the stall when Courtney bumped into a stool, sending it crashing to the ground.
The voices stopped.
New plan. Jacquie grabbed Courtney’s hand and started to run. There was no hiding any longer. She ran toward the door, hoping it would be unlocked.