Page 56 of Forgiving Chase
He smiled and put his arm around her shoulders. “Me, either. His undercover work kept him from reaching out to us. It’s why we haven’t heard from him.”
Josh approached, a bag of sandwiches in his hand. “I brought food.”
“Thanks,” Chase said, as he took a sandwich.
“How’s he doing?” Josh asked as he handed one to Beverly.
Chase pulled down the wrapper. “He made it through surgery, now it’s just wait-and-see. Any news on the Denali?”
Josh shook his head. “He got away.”
“And Quentin?”
“No sign of him.”
Chase froze mid-bite. “Are you sure?”
“My people combed the woods behind the barn. He wasn’t there.”
“I would have sworn he was hurt too badly to get up and walk away.”
Josh shrugged. “Even Commissioner McDonald has disappeared.”
Chase dropped his head and squeezed at the tension in his brows. “This whole case is falling apart.”
“Don’t worry, they won’t get far.” A man in a suit walked up. “Chase McKenzie?”
This must be Aiden’s boss. Nowhelooked DEA. Chase shook his hand. “Yes, and this is our mother, Beverly McKenzie, and Sheriff Halloway.”
“Stuart Church. Sorry to meet under these circumstances. How’s our boy?” he asked, looking at Beverly.
She stepped closer to Chase. “He’s hanging in there.”
“And the women?”
“One dead, two recovering,” Josh answered, looking grim.
Stuart nodded.
“Were you able to find out anything about the man in charge?” Josh asked.
“No, not yet. We’re pulling as much traffic cam footage as we can from the highways in and out of town, looking for the Denali. We’ll find something, and the intel that they are moving their operations to northern Georgia has been helpful. Don’t worry, we’re closing in on him.”
Josh didn’t look convinced and neither did Chase. “In the meantime, Quentin caused a lot of damage in this town, and he’s still after one of our deputies, Jacquie Halloway.”
Stuart looked at Josh, eyebrows raised.
“Sister,” Josh said.
“We have three extra agents on their way to wrap up the case. They can help in any way you need.”
“Thank you,” Josh said, his jaw stiff.
“We can use all the extra help we can get.” Chase turned to Josh. “Is Jacquie still here?”
Josh shook his head. “They released her a couple hours ago and sent her home.”