Page 76 of Indigo: Nights (Indigo B&B 2)
Chapter 17
Jewel had spentthe morning wrapping Lea’s birthday present and getting the rest of her plans ready. Then she hid it all away in case Lea came into the house before or after their grocery shopping adventure. Lea showed up right after services let out, her hands shoved into her pockets and a scowl on her face. Jewel had no idea why, but her new goal of the day, other than making it a fantastic birthday, was to make Lea laugh and smile as much as possible.
“Are you ready for this?”
“My cupboards are,” Lea deadpanned.
Jewel gave her a brilliant smile as she locked the door on their way out. They got into Lea’s Suburban and started the fifty-five-mile drive into town for their routine grocery shopping. The car ride was simple enough, and they avoided any talk of Brady or their relationship status. Jewel tried to keep the topics gentler since it was Lea’s birthday. She wanted her to enjoy the day as much as possible.
They each grabbed a grocery cart. Lea immediately walked toward the produce section as usual. Jewel had taken to just following her around the store since it was easier than separating and trying to find each other at the end.
“When’s your tournament?” Jewel asked.
“It’s right at the end of April,” Lea answered. “Were you wanting to come?”
Jewel whistled. “That’s so close to the end of the school year.”
“I know. I hate the timing of it, but it’s so much fun. Your concert is that week, right?”
“It is. And I think I deserve to take it easy after that.” Jewel grabbed a bag of apples and stared at them, trying to figure out if they were all good or not. The last time she’d bought apples in one of these bags, one was rotten and ruined the rest. She plopped the bag into her cart and added the sum to her phone.
“You do.” Lea sent her a soft look. “I can’t imagine putting on two concerts a semester. It would take too much out of me.”
“It’s a lot of work, but it’s so energizing too. That post-concert adrenaline is a real thing.”
Lea winked. “I’m sure it is.”
“It is!” Jewel’s tone rose. “I swear. Ask Sarah.”
“I plan on it.”
Jewel grabbed some avocados and added them to her apples. “I’m serious. I can’t sleep for hours after a concert.”
“I remember. Last fall you called me up and talked to me on the phone for hours. All I wanted to do was go to sleep.”
Jewel flushed. “Well, I can honestly think of far more fun things to do with that energy than talking on the phone.”
Lea’s cheeks burned bright red as she stared at Jewel, gawking. Jewel back-pedaled, worried she had overstepped in her flirting, but she had meant it. She’d spent concert nights with partners before, and it was an adventure that she never regretted. Trying to make a joke out of it, Jewel grabbed the bananas and handed them to Lea with a confident raised eyebrow. She could do this. She could make this fun and light-hearted. It didn’t have to be anything more than flirting like they used to do.
“So what are we eating for your big birthday dinner tonight?”
Lea regarded her carefully. “We…?”
“Yes. I’m inviting myself over, if you didn’t get that hint already.” Jewel grabbed bananas for her own house and moved toward the cold wall for the rest of what she wanted.
“Am I cooking?” Lea followed, pushing the cart in front of her.
“I can cook. What do you want?”
Lea leaned against her cart, hanging her hands over the bar as she stared directly at Jewel curiously. “You don’t cook often.”
“Not because I can’t. You know that. Because I’m lazy. There’s a difference.”
“Why do you want to cook for me tonight, though, of all nights?”
“Lea, Lea…” Jewel stepped up next to Lea’s cart, placing a hand over hers. They were so close. If she stepped in a little more she could press fully against her, kiss her, touch her right in the middle of the store. Intuitively, she knew Lea would hate that, so she held her position.
“What?” Lea straightened her shoulders, leaning in ever so slightly.