Page 12 of Claiming Jessica
Even though I’m not nearly ready to let her come, Jessica’s legs are shaking so bad, I’m not sure she can take the torture I have planned out. I haven’t even taken off her panties yet, and she’s ready to explode.
Though it goes against every nerve in my body, I lean back and stand, but I keep my hands cupped around her firm backside. I want to grind my cock into her center, but she’s close to coming, and I don’t want to let her off that easily.
“Bruno?” Her body migrates to mine, clad in the least fetching bra and underwear I’ve ever seen. Yet I’m so hard, I know she can’t so much as rub up against me, or I might let her control this thing.
That’s not how I roll.
“Move up on the bed,” I command in a raspy voice. I need her, even on this shitty single mattress. I need her anywhere I can get her.
Visions of all the places I need to strip her bare and sheath my cock with her cunt tease me, letting me know that I am not as in control of this situation as I would like to think.
Pounding into her in the backseat of my car.
Taking her from behind while she’s bent over my desk at the house.
Spilling my seed down her throat in the alley behind the restaurant our family owns.
The possibilities are endless, and they all start with me taking off this underwear that is nowhere near good enough for my queen.
Jessica moves on her mattress and sits in the center, staring up at me as her thighs clench together.
I surprise a squeak out of her by slapping her knees apart. “You don’t come until I say. Understood? None of this rubbing your thighs together to speed things along. You’re not sleeping tonight until I’ve delivered a dozen orgasms and fucked you so hard, one of us cries.”
Her eyes widen, looking so goddamn innocent; I nearly give her whatever quick release she craves on the spot.
I have to back up, so I don’t surrender to that sweetness before she’s suffered enough. She can’t make me crazy for her and then not suffer for it. That’s not fair.
I grab under her thighs and tip her backwards, loving the soft sound of her back hitting the sheets. “Keep these legs spread for me,” I tell her, certain that she will not need to be told again, especially when my hands migrate to pinch and slap the tender inner flesh of her thighs.
I love that she’s curvy. I love that she’s mine. I love even more that her underwear comes off easily. I throw it over my shoulder, hoping we never see it again. My woman isn’t going to slum it with panties that can be bought by the pack at a superstore. My woman is a goddamn sight, and she’ll be dressed as such.
The bra hits the far wall next, and I hope I never see that drab thing again.
Mainly because if I had my way, Jessica would be naked at all hours of the night and day.
I climb onto the bed between her legs so I can admire my prize for all my hard-earned success. “Perfect,” I murmur, salivating at the nude woman who is completely and utterly mine.
Naked is for the stripper pole at our gentlemen’s club. This is nude—a work of art spread out for my perusal.
As my face descends between her legs, I let her know with a warning in my eyes that I intend to appreciate the fuck out of this work of art for the next several hours.
“Please, Bruno! I can’t… I need to come!”
Oh, how sweet that she thinks pleading does a thing to my deadened soul.
I tear my mouth from her slick heat for the briefest of moments. “Beg all you want, pussycat. You’re not shivering enough for my liking.”
She’s sweating, all worked up from my unrelenting teasing. I’m sure it’s been hours, but I could do this all night. Her innocent mewls match the tears leaking from the corners of her eyes. She wants to come more than she wants her ex-husband dead.
Little does she know that I will give her everything her heart desires, but it will be in my time, when I say. Her quiet begging is merely fuel for my inner sadist.
Her thick thighs are slick with her juices, slipping over my jaw while she trembles at my touch. My tongue knows her body better than any man ever has. I know this for a fact, because her twisted cherubic expression has maintained a note of surprise this entire time.
Oh, the things I will teach her—starting with the fact that each orgasm belongs to me. It’s either going to wet my fingers, face, or cock, but it’s going to be mine.
My tongue takes its time circling those puffy pink netherlips. I’ve been sucking on one, but when I switch to the other, she nearly squeezes my head right off as her thighs clench.