Page 22 of Claiming Jessica
Gio accepts this without question. “Then we respond as such. They took my new sister; they die.” He types quickly on his phone. “My guys are on their way.”
“Right. Backup.” The simplest steps escaped me the moment the call came in. “I got Domani calmed down. I can focus on the Torros now.”
“I assume we’re shooting to kill, not just retrieve?”
“Kill them all,” I confirm. “We’re never going through this again.”
“You know that killing one arm of the monster doesn’t do anything, right? It’s still got a head who’s calling the shots.”
“We’ll deal with the head of the Torros another time. Today, we get Jessica back, and kill anyone who thought they could take what’s mine.”
Giovanni’s eyes widen as he directs me. “Yikes with the caveman talk. Might want to break her in easy rather than go in, guns blazing.” He waves his hand toward the road ahead. “I mean, today obviously, guns blazing. But with relationship stuff, you might want to keep your inner barbarian at bay, so you don’t scare her off.”
I’m panicking, picturing what those sick bastards might be doing to her. My foot leans heavier on the gas.
Maybe Giovanni’s right that I’m too intense, too much. But if the tracker I installed on her phone helps me find her before they put a bullet in her pretty head, then I will own my controlling ways and apologize for nothing.
Well, I’m fairly certain I’ll never stop apologizing for her abduction if she lives to see another day, but I won’t apologize for being overprotective.
I’ve seen what they can do if they want to punish my family.
I promised my brothers a sister. I will not let the Torros get away with this.
I have no idea how long it’s supposed to take to get to the abandoned warehouse in the south side of the city, but I am certain I reach it in record time, while still feeling like it took a hundred hours to get there.
Giovanni holds his hand up the second I park. “Don’t go in there yet, Bruno. Wait for my men.”
“I can’t.”
“We go in now, we die. That won’t help Jessica. Be smart. Take a breath. My guys will be here in minutes. Remember Rule Number Two.”
I picture all the damage that can be done to my woman in mere seconds, not to mention whole minutes. I am sweating, scared that I might already be too late to save her. “Jessica is here because of me. Because they wanted to punish me. If she dies…”
Giovanni’s voice is firm, which is a strange shade on the joker, for sure. “Don’t you do that to yourself. You see what that blaming sort of talk did to Domani. If she dies, it’s on the Torros, and we’ll make it our business to remind them of the consequences of their sins. But no part of this is your fault. You and Domani set Jessica free from her loser ex last night. You made her life better, not worse.”
“If you say so.”
While I agree that the smart thing to do is wait for backup, I’ve never been accused of being the most intelligent Moretti man. I paw at the door. “I can’t wait any longer. You stay here and wait for the guys. If I don’t come back, well, I dunno. Give me a Viking funeral or some shit. Douse my body in gasoline and launch it through the head of the Torros’ front window so I can burn their home to the ground.”
“That’s lovely,” Giovanni applauds. “You should write greeting cards.”
With my gun in my grip, I move from the car to the back entrance of the warehouse, shuffling soundlessly and quickly so as not to waste another second.
I have twelve bullets on me, which hopefully will be enough. Though, in my experience, it might not be. I have no idea how many of them are in here, preparing to take out the Moretti family when we come to reclaim my woman.
They should know better than this. When they murdered Camilla, they endured a slaughter that lasted weeks. It took them years to rebuild in the shadows, and even longer for them to make their organization mean anything to the city.
I peek through a filthy, partially busted-out window, my heart pounding with rage.
I count ten bastards huddled around a few crates of I’m guessing cocaine, and one standing off to the side with a semi-automatic pointed at my bound and frightened woman.
That one’s going first. Point a gun at Jessica, and you get bumped to the top of the list.
She is the only one looking my way, so I do us both a favor and let her glimpse my presence.
Her sharp inhale doesn’t give me away, but I duck down all the same just in case. I count to fifteen and slowly lift my head, peering at my beauty. Even though she is too far away for me to risk running in there, I can see the terror plain on her face. She locks her gaze in on mine and then aims it toward the back entrance. A slight shake of her head while her guard’s attention is otherwise occupied tells me that going in through the backdoor would be foolish.
I nod, letting her know that I got her message. I point to the front door, and she answers with a slight bob of her chin, her eyes wet with tears.