Page 21 of Ask Me For Fire
That’s all it took to get Preston moving. They shoved at jeans and boxers and socks until naked and panting and Preston was groaning at the sight of Ambrose spread out before him. Ambrose widened his legs and let Preston look his fill. “Not like you haven’t seen it before.”
“No, but I missed it.” Preston fell onto him and Ambrose shivered at the feather-light touches on his chest, his thighs. The breath ghosting over his throbbing cock. “Still in the drawer?”
He was already diving to the side as Ambrose nodded. “I fixed it,” he said as Preston made a pleased noise at the way the drawer slid open smoothly. “Drove me nuts.”
“I’m not surprised.” Preston came back with a small bottle of lube and two condoms. He dropped both to the bed so he could run his hands up Ambrose’s legs. Gooseflesh raised everywhere he touched and Ambrose let his eyes slam shut, let himselfhave this. “I’ve missed this.”
And that warm hand with its slender fingers wrapped around his cock and began to stroke. It was so good, just those few passes of a palm, the brush of fingers, and Ambrose was already moaning.
“Been a while? Me, too.” Preston thumbed at his slit, pressing in exactly like he knew was right; the exact way he knew made Ambrose shiver. “Just like this?”
“Fuck. Yes.” He forced his eyes open so he could watch Preston watching him, watching his own hand squeeze and touch and stroke. “Come on, Pres, fuck me.”
“So impatient.” But Preston was finally dragging Ambrose’s legs up, guiding them around his waist. When they’d first fucked (and it wasfucking, making love came later), Ambrose didn’t want to be face to face. It was cliche and stupid, but face to face meant staring at each other, maybe even kissing if the coordination worked. It had been far too personal at a time when his body burned with need. The need Ambrose had tried to wish away when he was younger and annoyed at how his body responded to a cute boy in his class or the college kid he passed on the street.
He should turn on his stomach and take thepersonalout of this situation but that time had passed. In more ways than one. He slipped deeper into the vee of Preston’s thighs and blatantly put himself on display. “Lucky you.”
Preston was quick to roll a condom down his fingers while Ambrose growled little curses at him to hurry up. But when he finally had fingers inside him, rubbing and stretching and working him open until he was ready to sob, he grabbed for Preston, hauled him down. Kissed him hard, bit his lower lip, fucked his tongue into that mouth he knew so well. Preston was trembling, torn between a moan and a filthy spit of words about howgoodandwarmandsoftAmbrose was deep inside.
“So soft, so unlike that shell you wear.” Preston’s mouth was on his ears now and there were three fingers inside him, crooking high and up and making stars pop behind Ambrose’s eyes. He needed, wanted to come, but he wanted to come on a cock.
“Fuck me or get out,” he snapped, unable to get Preston’s fingers in any deeper.
“I love how bossy you are.”
“You don’t.” It had been a big reason why they’d broken up, besides the cheating.
“I do right now.” He dragged Ambrose to the edge of the bed and while Ambrose moved his pillows around, Preston put on a condom. The stretch and burn were welcome, mitigated by Preston’s careful prep, and finally Ambrose could sink into pleasure he so rarely divulged in lately. Some days he was too tired to even paw at himself. It just felt like work. Now he could let Preston pound into him and take away his scrambled thoughts.
He could simply be for a little bit. No too-contained, too-busy mind. He could be a raw nerve of pleasure and only that. He let Preston take the lead, braced over him and panting in his face, his breath sweet on Ambrose’s warm cheeks and sweaty forehead. Maybe Preston sensed or felt Ambrose relax because his pace picked up, his thrusts harder, sharper.
Ambrose saw stars sizzle and pop behind his eyes and he clung to Preston’s neck. The kisses were sloppy, rough and raw and angled wrong and it didn’t matter. It didn’t matter one fucking bit because Preston knew how to fuck him and knew how to make him shout and burn and melt.
“She’s okay?”
“She’s okay, buddy. I promise. While you get better, I’m going to take her home with me and spoil her rotten.”
Forrest’s smile was soft, the edges of it trembling as he watched Dandi bounce around Barrett’s feet through Barrett’s phone camera. Everything around him was pale - the hospital pillows and sheets, the top of his gown poking out above where Val had tucked him in, even his papery skin pulled tight over his little head. Barrett’s heart clenched. He wanted to be there, but Val needed him to watch Dandi, stop by the house, pick up the mail. Ken had gone off again, threatening to take Val back to court. But it was a hollow threat; he was the one blatantly ignoring a court order to keep health insurance on Forrest and now his ass was on the line.
Barrett snorted. Ken’smoneywas on the line, and that’s all the bastard cared about. Fucking prick.
“Okay kid, you gotta rest. Can’t come over to fish if you don’t get some sleep.”
“I know, Uncle Bear.”
“Love you.”
“Love you, too. Kiss Dandi for me.”
“Of course.”
Val took her phone back, her face now prominent on the screen. “Thank you. You’re the fucking best.”
“Sorry, kid. I uh…my bad.”