Page 37 of Ask Me For Fire
“Yeah. It’s the best we can do. That and a few hundred more security cameras.”
He winced. There was no way they were getting permission from the state government forthat. They could barely replace the trucks that became irreparable. “Yeah, everyone in our ranger department will do what we can to help with that, but it’s gonna be an uphill battle.”
Oz grinned at him. “I’m good with words. I’ll impress upon them the importance of this. That, and how many lawsuits the government might face if they don’t give us the tools to prevent future problems.” He leaned in more and now they were inches apart, Oz looking at him with dark expectation. Barrett’s stomach swooped. “I’m gonna take a chance here and tell you how attractive you are, Barrett. If I’m crossing a line, say so, and I’m done.”
The timbre of that fine, even voice had gone soft, thoughtful, but edged with live-wire tension. Barrett’s hand tensed on his own thigh. He was hanging on by a thread at this point. “I kinda thought the same about you,” he admitted, drawing his words out slowly, watching every little flicker on Oz’s face.
The tension was so good between them. It set his blood to boiling,wantcurling up from the bottom of his stomach like smoke. Promising fire and flame and heat. What lay between he and Ambrose was slower, broken up by a few near misses and some early mistakes.
He and Ambrose were friends.
He and Oz could be a really good fuck.
Daring a little, dreading a little, Barrett ran his palm under Oz’s jaw and got a heavy breath in and a flare of nostrils. Dark eyes going even darker. And then Oz leaned up, head slanted.
Their lips met.
Oz groaned. Or maybe he did. Some heady, filthy noise before a tongue teased his bottom lip and he relented, letting Oz lick inside his mouth before pulling him to his feet.
“We doing this?” Oz asked, the question smashed, almost lost, between their mouths.
“Yeah. Fuck, yeah we are.”
Chapter thirteen
OzlaughedthemomentBarrett lifted him by the backs of his thighs and pinned him to the wall. “Holy fuck you’re strong.”
“I’m also not twenty any more.” He kissed Oz hard as he dug his fingers in more. “So we’ve got about two minutes before my back gives out.” Oz’s answer was a quick tongue in Barrett’s mouth, so he shut up and let himselffeel. Everything. All of it. He was already hard, pressed into the vee of Oz’s legs and thrusting against the cut of the other man’s hip. With every thrust, his cock would brush up against Oz’s and it felt so goddamn good.
“Let’s not kill your back,” Oz said. Reluctantly, Barrett put him down but he had no time to mourn the loss because Oz was asking, “Where’s the bedroom?” and letting himself be tugged down the wide hallway leading to the back of the house. There was a bedroom upstairs in the loft, but Barrett mostly used it for another space to fill with books and trinkets, rocks and glass terrariums and his telescope.
He didn’t care about any of that now. Oz slid into the room like he belonged there and immediately pulled his shirt off.
“So that’s where all that ink goes.”
Oz put his hands on his hips and let Barrett look his fill. The ink he’d spied under Oz’s sleeve was a combination of thick, dark lines, almost vine-like, that twined up his entire right arm. The ink carried over his shoulder and ended in a rather delicate flourish near his right nipple. Barrett wanted to get his tongue on it. All of it. “I’ve got more but that involves nudity.”
“So get naked.”
“This isn’t going to be a bad idea, right?” Barrett asked as he flung his shirt to a corner and yanked down his pants and boxers. “Like, there’s no department code for -”
“Fucking a colleague?” Oz looked at him over his shoulder and then whatever he said next was obliterated by the sight of more dark ink curving over his left hip, over his ass, and down the back of one delightfully muscled thigh.
“Fuck. Oz.”
“I know.”
Barrett snorted. “You’ve got a healthy ego, I’ll give you that.”
“And you have a massive dick. Holy shit.” Oz snatched Barrett’s hand and pulled him to the bed. “I’m gonna need that in me about ten seconds ago.”
“Only ten?”
“Give me a break, I was busy letting you stare at my ass.”
While Barrett dove for the nightstand drawer, Oz started licking a wet path down his neck. Goosebumps erupted over his entire body. It had been a long goddamn time since anyone had touched him beyond platonically and Oz had thick, rough hands and a talented mouth that felt divine on his own weather-beaten spots and the more sensitive places covered by his gear.
Barrett shoved the condoms and lube under a pillow, then turned back to Oz, who was staring up at him with a pleased smirk. “No, there’s no policy forbidding two colleagues in different government offices from fucking each other’s brains out.” His gaze slid south. “Or, in my case, letting you fuck me stupid on that massive cock.”