Page 61 of Ask Me For Fire
His breath left him in a rush, heart swelling with shocked adoration. “You really thought you’d wake up alone, didn’t you? Ambrose.” Barrett carded his fingers through Ambrose’s hair and he leaned into that touch. His whole body warmed; a flicker of lust slowly kindling in his gut. “Last night was perfect.”
Then it dawned on him that Barrett had shaved completely and while he’d wanted to do it for him, Ambrose knew it had probably been itchy after the incomplete job he’d made of it the night before. His fingers sought to touch.
Barrett smiled at him, seeming to understand, and Ambrose reached up to let his fingers trail over smooth skin. “You did a good job,” he murmured, following the line of that strong jaw. Barrett looked ten years younger without his beard and while that should have been a shock, it was just nice to see his face. “Your skin’s dry. I have something for that.”
“Later.” Barrett leaned in, paused, and when Ambrose followed him, the kiss they shared was the sweetest thing he’d ever tasted. It made no demands on him, as Barrett’s lips pressed gently against his own. He felt a hand smooth down his bare arm, leaving goosebumps in its tracks. It moved back up, dragging through his hair, making his scalp tingle.
Ambrose made a contented noise against Barrett’s mouth. He wanted this, but he wanted more, and that war that raged in him left aching lust in its wake. It left him strewn across its battlefield, torn asunder. Arching against Barrett and murmuring soft words of praise into a mouth that worshipped him, and it felt natural and right.
He wanted more.
Ambrose made a needy noise, more whine than solid sound, and Barrett responded by rolling them and nudging his knee high up between Ambrose’s thighs. “Is this okay?”
“Yes.” Ambrose groaned. This was different. If last night had been a foundation of trust, stopped only by Ambrose’s insecurities, this morning’s bright light brought on new hope. Another chance. Barrett was still here and that meant something.
The look on Barrett’s face was hopeful. “I really want to get my mouth on you.”
Sparks flared behind his eyes and need pooled in the bottom of his belly. Ambrose flung a hand out, digging his fingers into Barrett’s hair, yanking him down for another kiss. This one with teeth and tongue and all the pent-up desire he could pour into it. Barrett thrust against him with a roll of his hips. That easy, simple motion made him ache. “Please.”
They fumbled with the condom, trembling fingers igniting a fire under Ambrose’s skin like he’d never felt before. And Barrett was looking at him with the kind of reverence that bordered on too much, too intense. “I don’t mind, trust me,” Barrett said once the condom was in place. Just the care in his voice made Ambrose’s cock twitch. “The only person I’ve slept with in the last…” He broke off. “A long damn time. Was Oz. And we both were clean before, got tested afterwards. But gotta be careful.”
“Same,” he gasped. Fuck, his body was already on fire and he watched while Barrett let his touch trail across Ambrose’s skin.
“You slept with Oz, too?” That smile he was coming to adore cracked open. “Damn. Had no idea.”
Ambrose snorted, making Barrett laugh. “You know what I mean. Testing, making sure. But I’d rather not say his name.”
Gods, watching Barrett’s eyes go almost black as quick as turning on a light switch was a heady thrill he didn’t ever want to grow tired of. “Rather you start saying mine.”
The thin latex did nothing to hide the wet warmth of Barrett’s mouth. His hands were guided to rest in Barrett’s hair and Ambrose got the message:hold, don’t pull. He had no desire to do so. It waterfalled between his fingers, tickled the sensitive skin of his thighs, and rested in the cut of his hips. And as he arched into Barrett’s mouth, he watched that hair fall around him. So dark against his pale skin; a myriad of brown and near-black strands that shone a muted copper in the faint sunlight splashing over them.
Ambrose would have closed his eyes, overwhelmed by the pleasure racing through him. But he didn’t want to. Couldn’t. And the singular experience of watching Barrett made something crumple inside him, leaving him gasping and groaning but never, ever looking away.
“God, you’re gorgeous.” Barrett was staring at him, lips shining with spit. “How does that feel?”
“So good. Fuck, so good, your mouth…”
Barrett’s smile was full of teeth and lust. “Think how it would feel without the condom.”
Ambrose heard the implication. If they went further. Became exclusive, monogamous. Yoked only to each other and knowing that skin on skin wouldn’t be dangerous because there would be no one else. That realization was lightning down his spine. He held on as Barrett sucked him down and relinquished himself to the sensation.
When Barrett’s touch slid down, caressing his sac, Ambrose nearly shot up. “Sensitive,” Barrett teased and Ambrose groaned again, slumping against the pillows. “Do you want to come like this?”
The question rattled through his brain. He was so close already. It would be easy to let Barrett tip him over the edge. But he wanted what they’d started last night. “No.” Ambrose grabbed and Barrett latched on, letting himself be hauled up into a bruising kiss that tasted like Barrett and latex and Ambrose didn’t give afuckbecause it was perfect.
When faced with the lube and another condom, it brought a question to Barrett’s face. “Yes, yes, please.” Ambrose punctuated his words with a long lick across Barrett’s throat, leaving the other man shaking. “Just like this.”
Just like this. Barrett folded over Ambrose while they shared breath and sweat and heat and an intimacy that colored his vision with lust and need. The spark, the light, between them grew with every touch. Barrett was incredibly gentle in his exploration, one hand petting Ambrose’s shoulder and chest while the other moved down. “We’ll go slow,” Barrett said, voice hushed. “I don’t want to hurt you.”
“I know. I know.” Ambrose was clenching in anticipation of that first touch. He willed his body to relax. “I won’t break.”
Barrett chuckled. “That I am very aware of. But I want this to be good.” His hand lingered near Ambrose’s hip. “Pull your leg up for me?
Ambrose drew his left leg to his chest and got a wolf whistle in response. He felt the heat in his cheeks while Barrett was gazing at the curve of his thigh and ass. “Gorgeous.”
“You don’t need to say that.”Don’t stop, ever. I just don’t know how to take compliments.
“Mmmm, but I really do.” Barrett rested his hand on the swell of Ambrose’s ass. “Ready?”