Page 64 of Ask Me For Fire
They fell into each other again and that damned envelope was shoved to the floor to make room for them.
Barrett was an incredibly giving lover. Thoughtful, attentive,responsive. And he liked hearing Ambrose say, “Please“. He said it again and again, tasting Barrett on his tongue and their commingled sweat and musk somewhere behind his teeth. And the long, hot slide of Barrett inside him left Ambrose gripping the sheets, fingers seeking traction.
“Ambrose. Fuck. Gods.” Barrett was plastered against his back, heavy and damp and perfect. Hands slid down Ambrose’s arms and then circled his wrists briefly. He thought of being pinned, tied up, left to Barrett’s mercy and it made him ache in a way he’d never known. Those hands pressed into his, letting their fingers intertwine, and Barrett’s next thrust took them both over, leaving behind shaking limbs and harsh gasps echoing in the still of the room.
Ambrose could get used to this. Being taken. Cared for. Feeling Barrett’s sloppy kisses to the back of his neck and the pause between them as he inhaled. Like Barrett wanted to trap Ambrose’s scent in his lungs.
“Fucking hells.” Barrett now had his forehead pressed between Ambrose’s shoulder blades. “I’ve never had this much sex in one day.”
Ambrose’s laugh was squeezed out of his raspy throat. Barrett wasproportional everywhereand the moment Ambrose had wrapped his lips around that length not ten minutes earlier, he knew the ruination of his throat was a fine price to pay. “Me neither.”
Barrett hummed thoughtfully, pressed another kiss to his shoulder, and rolled off. But Ambrose had quickly learned that Barrett’s touch didn’t stop after the sweat cooled on their bodies. Hegatheredandcuddledandlingeredand Ambrose felt adored. He wanted Barrett to feel the same. He turned in Barrett’s arms and pressed several soft kisses to the sloping arch of his collarbone.
They laid in the quiet, watching the sun slide across the room and listening to the click of Dandi’s nails and the churn of the washing machine. The domesticity of it should have scared him. He’d had this before. The love and care, the quiet, the closeness. The inextricable link between himself and another, the physical and the spiritual and something beyond definition.
Life was different now. He could make it different. Had already made it different.
Ambrose’s breath left him in a gust, getting him a questioning look from Barrett. “It’s a good thing. Trust me.” He dragged the back of his fingers over Barrett’s cheek. “I made choices this time. Things that were mine. The house. The job.” Ambrose let his fingertips trace the line of that jaw. “I wanted to say thank you.”
Barrett’s throat bobbed. “For?”
“For letting me choose you.” His fingertips drifted again, across strong shoulders. “Preston felt like a choice but I’ve reexamined some things lately. I wasn’t ready, I wasn’t spending enough time on me to figure out what I wanted.”
“And now you have.”
“Exactly.” Ambrose let his touch skate around a nipple, drawing a soft gasp between still kiss-swollen lips.
Chapter twenty
“Ifitisn’tmyfavorite new author. How’s the woods in your neck of them?”
Barrett laughed. “Doing okay. Nice to have the sun out for longer.”
“I’ll bet. Ambrose said you’ve been taking him to some truly lovely spots.” Raf sighed. “I’m sad to get there too late to see all the wildflowers.”
“Oh there’s plenty of places that pop in May, if you know where to look.”
“And I assume you bear this knowledge?”
His grin grew. “Might.”
Raf’s laughter grew, now a smooth wave that washed over the line. “Then I’m movinghike with Ambrose and Barrettto the top of my to-do list.”
A thread of guilt wormed its way into his belly. “Nah, you just worry about Ambrose. I’m not about to get in the way of -”
“Barrett. My friend. We have not met in person but it’s easy for me to see the kind of human I’m dealing with here.” Raf shifted in his chair and gave Barrett an intense look, one he could almost feel through their video call. “In the vein of all best friends who suddenly find their nearest and dearest being swept off their feet, I will say I’ve known Ambrose a long time and he’s never talked about someone like you. He’s particular. To a fault.” Raf held up a hand and Barrett saw the glint of silver on his fingers. “He’s stubborn, self-effacing, and a loner at heart. There is no bigger seal of approval, in my mind, than how he speaks when he mentions you.”
He couldn’t do anything but give a weak smile. He hadn’t expected to get the best friend gold star so quickly. “No talk about how I better not hurt him and how I should move at his pace?”
“No, because I know you understand that intrinsically. Your caution around him and care for him speak volumes. From even your very first interaction.” Raf’s hazel eyes softened. “Be good to him and he’ll respond in turn. Oh, and watch out because once he likes you, he tends to spoil.”
“Shit, I don’t need anything.”
Raf shrugged and Barrett watched his off-shoulder, dark blue sweater slide down further. Raf was a fascinating, beautiful creature and he knew seeing Ambrose and Raf together was going to destroy him. Ambrose’s birthday was next week and Raf was coming into town. Barrett had planned to make himself scarce but both of them had squashed that almost immediately. They would have their traditional hike and dinner, and then Barrett was coming along for the remainder of the long weekend.
Except for Sunday night. Raf had “plans“ that night, leaving Barrett and Ambrose alone the day after Ambrose’s birthday.
“Well, expect it anyways. And it’s not always tangible things, mind you. That boy’s generous nature comes in all forms. But we’re not here to only talk about Ambrose.”