Page 84 of Ask Me For Fire
“Bear.” Val was definitely choking up, trying to stay strong.
“I got this, Hopscotch.”
“I know you do. You always do. But you don’t have to do everything. Let us help.”
Barrett heard her, and her message.
Let us help. Let us love you the way you love us. With everything you have, every fiber of your being and every part of your soul.
Chapter twenty-four
Themusicwasloudand incomprehensible beyond the heavy bass that shook through Ambrose’s rib cage. There was sweat across his brow, along his hairline, and he was a little bit drunk. And Barrett was behind him, his grip on Ambrose’s hips tight.
He did not need to get an erection in public. But the club was dark and packed and he doubted anyone would notice. It’s not like he could help it, with the way Barrett was pressed up against him, his breath on Ambrose’s ear. For such a big man, he couldmoveand Ambrose wasn’t the only one paying attention.
“You have an admirer,” he said as he turned in Barrett’s arms.
Barrett shook his head. “Drunk. Like us.”
“I don’t think so. He’s been staring.” Awareness rippled down his spine and Ambrose shivered.
Barrett grunted. “He can stare all he wants. You’re mine.”
That made Ambrose smile. “He’s not looking at me.”
“Still don’t care.” Barrett’s hand snaked down his back and when Ambrose shivered, a firm palm cupped his ass briefly before sliding back up.
“You never struck me as the jealous type.”
“I’m not.” Barrett’s words were growled in his ear and Ambrose had to bite down on a moan. Something about this side of Barrett - mussed and sweating, flushed from the right side of one too many drinks, his hands eager on Ambrose’s body - made desire swirl in him. He wasn’t one for blind jealousy and all that stupid macho bullshit that some men pulled. But seeing Barrett slightlypossessivesent a thrill through him.
Ambrose ground his hips against Barrett’s. “Show me later.”
“Show you…”
“How you feel about another man staring at us.”
He got a short, sharp grin in response. “Oh. We can definitely play that game.” Barrett’s hands shot out and then Ambrose was spun, back pressed against Barrett’s chest so they were both looking in the direction of the man ogling at least one of them. He was hidden in the shadows of the booths lining the dance floor, so Ambrose had only seen a flicker of dark hair and a bit of black leather. That could be a hundred different people.
But earlier in the night, as they’d made their way down the sidewalk to the club, he’d swore he’d seen Preston from the corner of his eye. Just for a moment. But when he’d turned and looked, whoever it was had disappeared.
“I bet he’s thinking about us right now,” Barrett purred in his ear. “More than just who tops and who bottoms. If I were him, I’d be thinking about sliding my hands up your legs, feeling that soft skin behind your knees.” Ambrose groaned and tried to turn but Barrett held him fast, grinding up behind him. He wasn’t fully hard but there was a distinct ridge pressed into the small of his back.
His pants were way too tight for this.
“If I were him,” Barrett continued, that low voice rumbling through him, “I’d want to know how you’d look in my lap. Then under me. How you’d sound as I took you from behind and grabbed that gorgeous hair. How many little bites I could leave along your shoulders, your abs. I’d want to know how you sounded as you broke apart, split in half on my cock.”
Ambrose was panting, eyes screwed shut, his whole body twitching. He grabbed one of Barrett’s hands and pressed it to the front of his pants. Barrett squeezed him and he nearly shattered right there. “Goddamn you.”
“You love it.”
“I do, but I need you to fuck me.”
“Pretty sure we’d get arrested for that.” And then Barrett was tugging him over to an empty booth, far away from the floor where the bass was more muted, like distant thunder. They left the mystery man behind and he didn’t matter, because all Ambrose could see and feel and taste wasBarrett.They weren’t even fully seated when he crawled into Barrett’s lap, shoving him down the rest of the way. Barrett’s mouth was hot on his, his tongue slick and questing, diving into Ambrose’s mouth, teeth sharp on his bottom lip. Ambrose wanted to cry with howgoodBarrett felt under him.
He was damn near close to begging when Barrett’s big, broad hands spanned his back and then slid down, fingers digging into his ass. Couldn’t they just be at home and naked and rolling around together, kissing and teasing? Need ached within him and he wantedmore. Always more, never enough. He couldn’t get enough of Barrett and his kindness and the way he cooked and how he looked when he was concentrating.
“Let’s go home,” he said as Barrett pressed kisses into his jaw. “Please. I need you.”