Page 94 of Ask Me For Fire
“Hey, kid.” Barrett leaned down and carefully scooped Forrest up.
“Ambrose!” Forrest yelled it in his ear and they all laughed. The sound was the very thing Barrett needed to hear.
Ambrose put a warm hand on the small of Barrett’s back. “Nice to meet you both, in person.”
Val’s smile spoke volumes. “Please, get over here. We’re huggers, if Barrett hadn’t told you that already.”
And Ambrose, his sensitive, sweet, sometimes grouchy boyfriend, accepted Val’s hug easily. He knew that might be tough for Ambrose and had told Val to be prepared for a gentleno, thank you, but Ambrose walked right into her arms. Forrest reached out and with a nod from Ambrose, touched that dark red hair, wonder on his face.
“If you’re trying to make me tear up, you’re doing good so far,” Barrett murmured, getting a pleased grin in return. He could feel the prickle of tears in the corners of his eyes and sniffed hard, hoping they’d fade away. If he started crying now, he’d not stop for a long time.
They bustled between the townhouse and the car with bags and when everyone was settled in Val’s cozy living room, Barrett video called Meredith. “Hey Mer. How’s things?”
Meredith was outside her house, leaning against faded wood siding. “Gimmie a sec, she’s already got her nose in something. Dandi, c’mere!”
There was some scuffling and then there was that big dolt of a dog, panting and doggie-grinning. Forrest squealed in glee when he saw Dandi on the screen. “Sorry I couldn’t bring her, kid. Maybe we can do a winter trip, you come out to us?”
“I think we can arrange that,” Val said as she handed Ambrose a cup of tea.
The softly pleased look on Ambrose’s face was made all the better when he took a sip. “This is amazing.”
“I heard you’re a bit of a tea connoisseur, so I wanted to make sure I did it right.”
“Hey Forrest!” Meredith was rubbing Dandi’s ears and making her drool. “Did your uncle show you Dandi’s new trick?”
“No!” Forrest leaned in, his nose almost touching Barrett’s phone.
“Okay, let’s do it, doggo!” Meredith stood and motioned for Dandi to sit; a command she knew well and always obeyed. “Okay now, hug!”
That massive dog sprung up on her hind legs and gently (as gently as a one hundred and fifty pound dog could) put her front paws on Meredith’s shoulders. Dandi was taller by almost a head but Meredith leaned in and let Dandi lick her face. “Apparently the face lick needs some work,” Barrett said, chuckling at Forrest’s giggles and the bright smile on Val’s face. “We’ll get there.”
“She hugs! That’s so cool. You taught her that?” Forrest asked, watching Dandi sit back down and Meredith give her treats for good behavior.
“I didn’t.” He pointed at Ambrose. “Someone was encouraging her to always knock him over, so we compromised.”
Ambrose’s face was the picture of innocence, except for the roguish lift to his brows. “I have no idea what you’re talking about.”
With Barrett’s hand on his arm to steady him, Forrest got to his feet and walked over to Ambrose. “Uncle Bear said to ask. Can I have a hug, Ambrose?”
Val sucked in a breath and that prickle was back at the corners of Barrett’s eyes. “Jesus Christ,” he muttered, hoping Forrest didn’t hear him.
Ambrose made eye contact with him over Forrest’s head. “Absolutely. Just show me what’s okay? I know you have a port and I don’t want to bump it.”
Forrest nodded sagely and pointed to a spot below his right collarbone. “Just not there.”
Barrett watched, heart in throat, as Ambrose got on his knees and held his arms out to Forrest. His nephew launched forward and wrapped his little arms around Ambrose’s neck, snuggling in immediately. There was no panic in Ambrose’s eyes, only gentle hesitance as he carefully hugged Forrest close. “It’s nice to meet you, Forrest. Your uncle has told me a lot about you and your mom.”
“Yeah? Uncle Bear said you paint and play guitar and write and do math stuff!” Forrest pulled back to look at Ambrose, his gaze unwavering in the way only a child’s could be. “Can you teach me something?”
“I would love to.” A smile like sunshine spread over Ambrose’s beautiful face. “What should we start with?”
“So, it’s no fire tower, but I think it’ll do.”
Ambrose clung to Barrett’s lapels, an expression of faux shock on his face. “You would dare.”
“I did dare.”
Ambrose kissed his cheek. “And it’s your birthday, so we go wherever you want, darling.” He sucked in a deep breath and grinned. “It is beautiful.”