Page 65 of Ivory
They would smell me too.
I slowed down to squeeze under a broken fence. I shook and slinked across a used car lot. None of the cars parked in there would have keys in, even if I did have time to check. Worse luck. Another car would be handy right about now. Especially since the black wolves were squeezing under the gate, one by one.
They glided after me like shadows of night.
If I could hide my scent, I would slink under a car and wait them out. I couldn’t. If I did that now, they would pin me down.
How the fuck was I going to get them off my tail?
I bolted towards the road and along the sidewalk. It was way too open here. Fuck.
I loped along the ground as fast as I could push myself. And then a little bit more. I didn't need to look over my shoulder to know they were gaining on me. I could hear them and smell them. They made no attempt to hide their presence. They didn't need to. They knew they had me outnumbered.
I just had to outsmart them.
No pressure.
I headed up the steps to an overpass which stretched across the road. It stank of urine and fresh paint. The local council had recently tried to cover graffiti, by the look of it. And by the look of the new graffiti, they weren't successful for long.
I bolted across the overpass and down the stairs on the other side.
When I was sure the black wolves were following me, I darted across the road to the first set of stairs and headed back the way we all came. With any luck, my scent would be masked by theirs.
They followed me back across the road and narrowly avoided being hit by a passing car.
Crap, that would have helped to thin the pack a little bit.
A glance over my shoulder showed me they weren't fooled by my little trick. If anything, they were closer now. Too close for me to risk squeezing under another gate. I could practically feel their breath on my hindquarters.
Hoping I was heading the right way, I bolted down the street and around the corner. I managed a burst of speed to put some distance between me and my pursuers.
I ran across another road and ducked behind a row of bushes and into an alleyway. I sprinted through there and out the other side. If I calculated correctly I should be one street over from where I was trying to go.
I followed the sidewalk and almost skidded around a bend.
If I could just get far enough ahead…
I bolted past the traffic lights Ben and I stopped at. It seemed like days ago now. It couldn't have been more than twenty minutes.
I flew across the road and into the side street, my heart in my throat. Usually I loved to run in wolf form, but this was bullshit. There was nothing fun about this. Not at all.
My heart rose when I saw my car still parked by the side of the road. It sank again when I saw it was surrounded by several black shadows.
My hesitation was all it took. One of the wolves behind me leapt. He grabbed onto my hind leg with his teeth.
I yelped and scrambled to get away, but his jaw locked down tighter. I felt a snap and crunch of bone.
Shining blood stained my fur.
Instinctively, I kicked for everything I had, but another black wolf grabbed onto another of my legs. Lighter than the first, but firm enough to keep me in place.
Yet another wolf jumped at me and pushed me off my feet. He wrapped his jaws around my throat. His teeth pressed lightly. Not hard enough to do damage, but hard enough for me to get the message.
I took it. I did what any sensible wolf would do. I lay completely still. I hated myself for doing it, but my choices were that or have my throat ripped out. I didn't want Dagen to get the better of me, but I didn't have a death wish.
I closed my eyes and tried to ignore the searing pain in my leg. There was no way in fuck wasn't broken.