Page 66 of Star Defenders (My Alien Mates 2)
"Why do I think rest is the last thing on your mind?" I asked. Truthfully, it was the last thing on mine. His proximity and the memory of his mouth on my lips made my blood hot in spite of myself.
"It's the last thing I want to do," he replied. "After I do a lot of much more interesting things to you."
"Oh, like what?" I asked.
"I don't want to spoil the surprise."
I made a face. "I hate surprises. After the last few weeks, I'd like a bit of dull and boring in my life."
"I apologise for being neither of those," he said, but he smiled while he spoke.
I poked him in the chest. He was all hard muscle under my fingertip.
"You're right, you're not boring, but you are less of a rollercoaster than J'avet."
"Rollercoaster," Zarex repeated. "Old Earth fun park ride, right?"
"Yes," I agreed. "Too many ups and downs and then all you want to do afterward is be sick."
Zarex laughed. "That doesn't sound like fun."
"It doesn't, but it is." Maybe that was why I couldn't get J'avet off my mind, no matter how much of a dick he was.
He leaned in and whispered in my ear. "I'll show you a much more fun ride."
"Promises, promises," I replied. Yet the idea of him touching me everywhere was driving me wild. My skin tingled at the thought.
"How far is your cabin?" I asked. If it was any further, I might throw caution to the wind and tear his clothes off there and then in the corridor.
"Just around the bend," he said.
I half expected Iri to jump out at us, blasters in hand, but they didn't. The corridor was deserted and eerie. That was another in a long line of reasons I was relieved when he stopped in front of a door and pressed the button to open it.
Having never been in the cabin of anyone in command before, I was surprised to see it wasn't much bigger than the rest. The view was the same, of course; stars upon stars. The bed was a similar size, barely big enough for two to lie side by side. At least it wasn't a hammock.
His bed cover looked handmade and well loved. When he noticed me looking, he said, "My mother made it. I take it with me everywhere." He clapped a hand to his forehead. "That sounds pathetic."
I wound my arm around his neck. "It sounds sweet. And practical. And…like you love to have a piece of home with you. I have a small, plush bunny I keep hidden in my bag. It smells like the laundry powder my mother uses." When I felt homesick, I'd pull it out and take a long sniff.
He smiled softly, then drew me into his arms for a searing kiss.
I felt the tension in Zarek's touch and knew it wasn't just lust for him either. We both needed to let ourselves go for a while. Let our bodies do the talking, to give our mouths and minds a break. Truthfully, I wouldn't sleep now anyway, my thoughts were too heavy. A part of me kept guard for any news, but the rest surrendered to the here and now.
Zarex slipped his hands under my shirt and pulled it off, almost without breaking off our kiss. Our lips were apart for all of about five seconds. Maybe six. Then another six while we both pulled off his shirt and tossed it aside.
Before I could take a breath, my bra was on the floor and Zarex lifted me and carried me over to the bed. He didn't even look as though he struggled. But then, he was almost as big as Slek in the muscle department. He probably lifted twice my weight before breakfast. And three times that afterward.
Zarek's mouth left mine and he kissed his way down to my breasts.
"Human women are so soft," he whispered.
"Compared to who?" I asked. My sisters from all the other species I'd met looked pretty soft too. I mean, I was no expert here, especially since I looked and didn't touch.
Zarex trailed the tip of his tongue over my nipple and smiled. "Compared to everything. Except those marshmallows they make on Earth."
"Right." I quivered under his touch. "Those are extremely soft."
"They aren't as sweet as you though." He trailed his tongue the other way. His antennas bent toward my face, as though watching for my reaction.