Page 38 of The Hookup Plan
Instead, she picked up the menu and scanned the cocktails. “So, how was everyone’s week?”
When neither spoke, London lowered her menu to find them both staring at her with odd looks.
“What?” she asked.
“Exactly how much sex have you been getting lately?” Taylor asked.
“Excuseme?” London asked with a shocked laugh.
“You’re glowing, honey,” Samiah said. “I mean, you are practically effervescent. There is only one thing I can think of that putsthatlook on a woman’s face.”
“You cannot tell just by looking at me,” London said.
“Oh, really?” Taylor held her phone up and snapped a picture, then turned the screen so that it faced London.
She leaned forward and squinted at the image. “I’ll be damned,” London muttered. She had to admit that she looked well and thoroughly fucked, in a totally good way.
“Told ya,” Samiah said with a grin. She rested her chin in her upturned palm and asked, “Is it the former classmate?”
“It is,” London confirmed. “It’s been kind of a daily thing since the reunion last weekend.”
“Daily? Damn, girl,” Taylor said.
“Well, you did have quite a long dry spell,” Samiah pointed out. “I don’t blame you for making up for lost time. But I thought this guy was from out of town? Is he hanging around Austin because he can’t drag himself away from you?”
London was about to respond when the server arrived to take her drink order. She gestured to the pale pink slushy cocktail in front of Samiah. “What’s that one?”
“That’s our spicy hibiscus margarita,” the server said. “It’s a fan favorite.”
“It’s the sole reason I wanted to come to this place, and it alone makes the drive across the Congress Avenue Bridge worth it,” Samiah said.
“Sounds good to me,” London said. “Can I also get the Wagyu burger—medium rare? Wait.” She held up a hand. “Umm…actually, change that to grilled salmon and a house salad with balsamic dressing on the side.”
“No problem,” the server said before collecting London’s menu.
“I had a big lunch,” London offered in an attempt to stave off inquires from her friends, but Taylor seemed more interested in talking about Drew than London’s dinner choices.
“So,” Taylor said. “How do you spend the entire week shagging a guy you hate? That doesn’t seem like you.”
“Yeah, where did you even find the time?” Samiah asked. “I thought you had a bunch of surgeries scheduled this week.”
“The fact that Drew is working at the hospital helps with logistics,” London said.
“Working at the hospital?” Samiah asked with a frown. “Is he a doctor?”
“Wait.” London held up her hands. “I just realized I haven’t spoken to either of you since we met up at Kerbey Lane on Sunday.”
“No, you’ve been too busy getting it on with your old classmate,” Taylor said.
“That’s just the half of it,” London said. She snagged another carrot from Samiah’s plate. “We havesomuch to talk about, ladies.”
“Start with the part about him working at the hospital,” Samiah said. “I’m confused.”
London spotted the server approaching with her drink and waved her over.
“Perfect timing. I need a little alcohol in me before I dive into this story.” Eating broiled fish instead of the burger she was craving would have to be good enough for tonight, because she would not deprive herself of alcohol. She took a sip of her margarita. “Oh, thisisgood. Too bad I arrived so late. I won’t have time to get a second.” She set the glass down and folded her hands on the table. “Who’s ready to hear about how my luck is absolute shit these days?”
She started with how she fell back into bed with Drew last Sunday afternoon when she returned to his hotel for her purse. Then she told them about the shock she received when she walked into the meeting on Monday to find him sitting at the table next to Dr. Coleman.