Page 53 of The Hookup Plan
“And you don’t mind it one bit.”
“Hell no, I don’t,” he replied, carrying her into his bedroom.
Once in bed, they went through another two condoms before finally collapsing in a heap of twisted sheets and tangled limbs. Drew rolled off her and onto his side. He listened for the moment when she would climb out of bed and get dressed. She never waited more than a few minutes after they were done to gather her things and leave him with that strange mix of blissful satisfaction and frustration.
Yet, every time he worked up the resolve to tell her that this sex-only arrangement was no longer enough for him, something stopped him. It wasn’t justsomething that stopped him. He didn’t want to risk her leaving his bed and never coming back. The pleasure he derived from the hours spent exploring her body far outweighed any disappointment he endured once she went home.
Drew froze when he realized that at least five minutes had passed and London hadn’t left the bed. He pushed himself up on his elbow and looked over at her. She lay staring up at the ceiling with her hands clasped over her stomach. The sheet had fallen just far enough down her body so that one taut nipple peeked out over the edge of it.
And just like that, he started getting hard again. But the look on her face told him that sex was no longer on her mind.
“What’s wrong?” Drew asked.
She glanced at him, then back at the ceiling. “I’m regretting not eating the pound cake.”
Not what he’d expected to hear. “London, what are you talking about?”
“My mom offered me pound cake after dinner. I’m sorry I didn’t take her up on it. Don’t get me wrong, the sex was fantastic, but pound cake is pound cake.”
Drew shrugged. “Yeah, I get it. It’s hard to compete with cake.” He nudged his head toward the door. “I have a couple of those fancy cupcakes left over from today’s meeting.”
She tore the sheet off her and scrambled out of the bed. A couple of minutes later, she returned carrying a pink-and-brown box. She climbed back into bed and sat up with her back against the headboard and the box of cupcakes on her lap.
Even though he’d spent over a week seeing this body in varying stages of nakedness, Drew struggled to maintain his composure at the sight of all that smooth, flawless skin. He still wasn’t convinced that this wasn’t a dream, because in what version of real life did he find himself in bed watching a naked London Kelley lick icing from a cupcake?
She held up a yellow one topped with white frosting and sparkling sugar. “It’s not my mom’s pound cake, but it’ll do.”
She took a huge bite, leaving a smear on her cheek. Drew used it as an opportunity to taste her, tenderly kissing the sweet frosting from her skin.
She edged her head back and stared at him, her gaze roving over his face. Their eyes locked moments before she leaned forward and claimed his mouth with a soft, tentative caress of her lips.
The fiery, demanding kisses they’d previously shared had been fueled by lust and need, but this felt different. It felt like itmeantsomething, like more than just another element of the physical act they’d been engaging in over the past week and a half.
The lack of heat and hunger added to his sense that things were changing between them, that her feelings were shifting. The cautious, thoughtful exploration of her tongue as she gently traced a path along the seam of his lips filled Drew with a hope he was almost afraid to let materialize.
She moved the cupcakes to the bedside table and brought both her hands up to cradle his face, kissing him deeper as she did so. They changed position, with Drew sitting up against the headboard and London flush against his chest.
But when she reached over for the box of condoms, Drew stopped her. He shook his head.
“Not yet,” he said. “I just want to kiss you.”
He held his breath as an array of emotions flashed across her face: confusion, suspicion, and finally acceptance. He welcomed the flood of relief that flowed through him as she yielded to his kiss. He slowed them down, keeping the pressure light, giving her the chance to pull away.
She didn’t. Neither did she push for more. They remained in that safe, intimate, unhurried place, leisurely exploring each other’s mouths with sweet, tender kisses. The kind of kisses that couldn’t be disregarded as detached, heat-of-the-moment acts of passion. There was something more here, something intensely personal.
Something undeniable.
This was no longer just two people hooking up; this was two people on the precipice of something deeper, something more profound than casual sex.
“Don’t think I don’t know what you’re doing, Drew Sullivan,” London whispered against his lips.
“Kissing you?” he asked.
She pulled just far enough back to look at him. “I’m still not your friend,” she said, but the relaxed humor in her voice belied her declaration.
“I think you are.” Drew shifted his hips, stroking her inner thigh with his dick. London released a moan and pulled her bottom lip between her teeth.
“It doesn’t matter if you’re ready to accept it or not,” Drew murmured as he went in for another kiss. “We’re friends.”