Page 66 of The Hookup Plan
“Hell yeah,” he said.
“That’s what matters. Let’s go and do that now.”
Her playful, teasing tone eased the anxiety he’d been grappling with. London wasn’t acting any differently after what he’d let slip a little while ago, so he could stop stressing about it. Of course, he now had to grapple with the fact that she knew how he’d felt about her back in high school and it apparently hadn’t changed anything for her.
They turned the corner, and Drew’s footsteps halted at the sight of his uncle Elias standing in front of the building directory.
“E?” he called.
Elias spun around, his eyes bright with his smile. Drew’s joy upon seeing him in the flesh was visceral. He rushed over and brought him in for a hug.
“What’s up! It’s good to see you, man!” Drew said, clamping him on the back.
“You too.” Elias tightened his arms around him before letting go. “You’re looking good.” He pointed at the directory. “But you didn’t tell me you were living in a shopping mall.”
“It’s called a mixed-use building,” Drew said.
“It’s a mall,” Elias returned.
Drew chuckled as he gestured to London. “E, this is London Kelley. We…uh…went to high school together. London, this is my uncle Elias, although he likes to tell people he’s my brother.”
“Because no one believes I’m old enough to be his uncle,” Elias said. He extended his hand to her. “You’re the one who’s the doctor, right?”
“I am,” London said, clearly surprised. So was Drew.
“Doreen mentioned you a few times over the years,” his uncle continued. “She would call you that pretty girl who was just as smart as my nephew here.”
Elias looked pointedly between London and Drew. His brow dipped slightly before his eyes widened with sudden awareness.
“Uh, you know, I was going to bunk on your couch for the night, but maybe that hotel across the street would be better,” Elias said. “They have a rooftop bar and pool situation that’s worth checking out.”
“No. No, don’t,” London said. “I was on my way to pick up my car from the hospital so that I can head home.”
“No, you weren’t.”
“Yes, I was,” she stated more firmly. “I’ll see you tomorrow.”
Damn. He knew there was no way his night could continue on the path it had been headed prior to finding Elias waiting for him, but still.Damn.
Drew took out his phone. “I’ll call you an Uber.”
“Put that phone away. The hospital is only three blocks from here,” she said.
“But it’s almost nine o’clock.”
“I’m a big girl, Drew. I can handle a short walk by myself, even after dark.” She held her hand out to Elias again. “It was lovely to meet you. Although we probablydidmeet back when Drew and I were in high school.”
“I still remember the speech you gave at graduation.”
London beamed. “That was a pretty memorable speech, if I do say so myself.”
“Legendary.” Elias smiled.
Drew looked between the two of them. Was his uncle flirting with his…his hookup partner?
“If you won’t let me call you an Uber, you can at least let me walk you to the hospital,” Drew said. He looked to his uncle. “I’ll text you the code to get into my place, E. It’s on the twenty-second floor. Apartment 2209.”
“Would you quit this chivalry nonsense,” London said. “I’ll be fine. Enjoy your time here, Elias.”