Page 1 of Invoking the Blood

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Page 1 of Invoking the Blood

Chapter one

Theonlythingworsethan being surrounded by dark-bloods was being surrounded by noisy drunk idiots playing dress up. Every establishment would be like this tonight. Faye had no idea how this ridiculous Hunter’s Moon tradition started, but she wanted to slap the moron who brought it about. Glancing over the crowded bar with a sigh, she picked at her dinner. The smell of cooked meats wafted through the air, interrupted by the scent of cheap cologne. Faye impatiently waited for the appropriate amount of time to pass so she could conclude her birthday celebration without her sister’s objections.

Sparrow kicked her under the table, leaving Faye’s shin stinging. “At least pretend to be having fun, bitch. You’re spacing out over there.”

“Do you see what we’re surrounded by?” Lost and Found, a popular pub in the merchant district, was full of people wearing glamoured fangs, elaborate costumes, and theater blood dripping from the corners of their mouths. Drunken masses decided it would be great fun to masquerade as vampires and prance beneath the glow of tonight’s red moon.

Sparrow’s eyes widened bringing her fingertips to her lips. “By the Darkness, people are having fun.” She threw back her shot of whiskey, slamming it on the table. “You’re having fun tonight even if I have to beat it into you.”

She beamed, looking past Faye. Dark-blooded men were all the same with one exception, Vashien, her sister’s beloved, coincidentally the only man to last more than a few months with her sister as well.

He was the only man who made Sparrow light up every time she saw him. Faye always thought he was kind and settled some of Sparrow’s wild energy. Though she suspected Vashien’s acceptance stemmed more from his relationship with her sister Sparrow than a liking for her.

Vashien moved through the crowd, shoving some of the more inebriated patrons with his green membranous reptilian wings. Artithians were a large, winged race, but even by their standards, he was big. Faye smiled at the colorful, glittering cake he held, looking tiny in his hands. A sparkler jabbed into it.

“Happy birthday,” Vashien said, his smile warm and genuine. Giving Faye a squeeze with one arm, he set the cake down in front of her. Moving to Sparrow’s side, he thumped her with his wing. “Are you behaving and keeping the birthday girl entertained?”

She snorted, shoving at him. “Faye doesn’t want to be entertained.”

He nodded, sliding his fingers under Sparrow’s plate. “Are you done with this?”

Holding her fork like it was a weapon, she said, “Take my food, and I’ll stab you.”

Faye giggled as Vashien held his hand up in peace and leaned down for a kiss. Glancing at their drinks, he nodded to Faye. “I’ll get you two topped off.”

Sparrow leaned back in her chair, craning her neck to watch Vashien leave.

“What are you even staring at? You can’t even see his ass when his wings are folded like that.”

Sparrow fluttered her hand at Faye. Sister code forshut up, I’m busy. “Get your own man to ogle.” Turning back, she lifted her second shot glass while pointing at Faye’s drink. “I think Vash only keeps that shit on hand for you.”

Faye raised her glass of pomegranate juice, swirling the dark red liquid and smirked at her sister. “What about that shit? I can smell it from here.”

“Touché,” was her only reply before throwing back another shot. Sparrow’s gaze fell to the decorated chocolate cake. She leaned forward. “Are you going to eat that?” Without waiting for a response, Sparrow stabbed her fork into Faye’s cake, taking a bite. “Wow, that shit is good.”

Faye pulled the extinguished sparkler free and set it on the side of the plate before nudging the rest toward her sister. She didn’t understand how Sparrow ate so much and stayed so tiny.

Faye’s gaze rose to the open dark wood beams along the high ceiling. The tavern was warm and welcoming. Clothed tables were arranged through the front of Lost and Found for those who wanted a hearty meal. The back and loft hosted three bars, two on the lower level and one above. She smiled when she spied a large sign on the railing above.No flying. That was new.

Faye could only imagine the drunken Artithian who thought it would be brilliant to fly to the lower level instead of taking the stairs. She would have paid a gold mark to see Vashien’s face if anyone tried.

“It’s your birthday so you get to pick. And these are the only options. Either we sneak into the Hunter’s Moon Ball at the High Queen’s castle,orrrrrwe sneak into the Hunter’s Moon Ball at the High Queen’s castle? Great options, right?”

Faye’s brow furrowed. Sparrow had been this way since they were children, wanting to shove every experience into her life. Insisting,the consequences will be worth the memory.But this was a bad idea even by Sparrow’s standards. Vampires lusted during the Hunter’s Moon. The High Queen of Necromia was a Pure Blood, one of the only two left. A born vampire. She held her annual celebration for all her kind at her estate while the pretend vamps partied in places like Lost and Found.

Faye frowned. “You’ve lost your shit.”

Her long, wavy blonde hair fluffed as she bounced in her chair, whining, “Come on, I want to see the vampire orgy.”

Of course, she did. “We’re not going. There are two kinds of attendees at the ball, vampires and blood whores. And we’re not vampires so are you offering up your blood and flesh for coin this evening?”

Sparrow rolled her eyes and plopped her chin in her hand, pouting as she looked away. “They don’t know we’re not vampires.”

Even with the best disguise, their heartbeats would give them away to start. Lack of fangs. Revulsion to drinking blood.

“Excuse me, ladies,” a man said, interrupting their argument, flashing his glamoured fangs.

Sparrow straightened, returning a smile as Faye glared at her for encouraging him.

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