Page 31 of Invoking the Blood
It shattered. Faye pulled back as the shards fell. Examining her uninjured hand, she wiggled her fingers. Hmm…It didn’t seem to hurt her.
Faye went for the door handle again and opened it without interference. She stepped into the hall and found fang face silently strolling toward her. Faye matched his steps letting the candle holder slip from her grasp, catching the end of it.
He tilted his head slightly before acknowledging her weapon. “Go back to your room, minx. We would not want you injuring yourself,” he said as the corner of his mouth lifted.
A hysterical fury rushed through Faye. This fucker was smirking. Faye clenched her jaw and tightened her hold on her weapon until her knuckles went white. If this dark-blooded asshole found this amusing,then buckle up big guy, I’m about to be hilarious.
Faye bared her teeth, swinging for his arrogant fang face. An invisible force rushed her, tossing her hair as it passed through her. Black light flickered and shattered as Faye’s blow landed across his cheek.
Chapter ten
PainexplodedasRunesnapped his head to one side. The Ra’Voshnik surfaced in a rush, bleeding through his gaze.She wants us,it purred, the creature’s excitement thrumming through his mind. It urged him to pin her beneath him, certain she would offer him her throat once he asserted dominance over her. The violence of her actions only fed into its desires.
Be silent.Rune dragged the Ra’Voshnik into the recesses of his mind, as the fiery minx swung the candle stick. Rune caught it by its base, ripping it from her hands and throwing it behind him. The metal clattered as it tumbled down the hall.
The hot-tempered harpy broke through his shield with little effort as waves of unharnessed power radiated off her. He searched her body for another piece of jewelry that would display her shard, while dodging her inept attempts to strike him. When he found her bare, he demanded, “What game are you playing? Where is your shard?”
“Kill me!” She hit at him blindly, following him each time he stepped out of reach. New tears fell from her red, puffy eyes. Seeing her like this twisted something unfamiliar in his chest. The Ra’Voshnik echoed the sentiment wanting to take her in his arms and comfort her.
Rune ignored the urgings. She toyed with him during their dreams. Her Familiar lover attacked him. And now she incessantly wailed to join her lover in death. If he wanted the petite blonde dead, he would have liberated her head from her body.
“Kill me!” She shrieked, flailing at him.
Rune phased partially, becoming incorporeal as her fist passed through him. It was painfully evident his so-called mate received no combat training. She lacked any evidence of being raised within a dark court.
She could be from a lesser family. It occurred rarely, but she may even have been born in a day-blood court. So many details were wrong. The rags she wore screamed peasant. Her hair was an unkept tangled mess. This unsophisticated female could not possibly be what fate chose for him.
Darkness, if this was some elaborate hoax contrived for the Familiar King’s amusement, Rune would have several choice words for him. Catching her wrists in one hand, he grated, “Calm yourself. I know you carry a shard of Darkness. What court do you belong to?”
“I don’t have a shard!” She raised her knee.
Her movements were no match for his reflexes, and Rune caught it before she could land the debilitating blow. “That was unkind of you.”
His minx straightened her leg, struggling against his hold. When she couldn’t break free, she stood on her toes, leaning up as far as she could. “Kill me before I kill you!”
She promptly bit down on his hand with enough force to draw blood. The Ra’Voshnik snapped his hold.Pin her and take her throat. Show her who will master her.
This is not foreplay. She is not trying to fuck you.It growled in disagreement and whispered through his mind, growing aroused.
Rune released her, pulling his hand away from her mouth.
“Kill me!” She sobbed swinging and scratching at him. “What are you waiting for?”
Rune cursed in High Tongue, avoiding her attacks. The minx would end up hurting herself at this rate. He whipped a lash of power at her mind. A mental attack meant to knock her unconscious. When she remained upright, he blinked before striking again harder.
He couldn’t touch her mind or cut himself free of her mental tether earlier in the day. While concerning, he had more pressing issues at hand. He would have snapped her neck and waited for her to regenerate if she were immortal. He couldn’t be certain she’d aged into her immortality. A risk he wouldn’t take with his life in the balance.
Rune phased behind her and moved in a blur, sliding his arm beneath her chin. He tucked her windpipe in the crook of his elbow and gripped his bicep, pushing her head forward with his other hand. He squeezed as she struggled, clawing at him.
Her nails raked over the material of his jacket as the moments ticked by. She would be unconscious soon. Rune narrowed his eyes at the sound of cloth tearing and sucked in a breath as razor-sharp claws dug into his forearm.
Rune held fast, counting his heartbeats.
She raked her claws across his arm. By the white-hot lick of pain that followed, he was sure she’d cut to bone.