Page 34 of Invoking the Blood
She recalled the Shadow Prince. The way he cradled her against his chest and sweetly tucked her into bed. She breathed in deeply, surrounded by a light floral scent instead of his amber and sandalwood. She reached her arm out for him and remembered closing her hand over a weapon. Holding it as the length of metal jutted from his leg.
Faye scrambled up, and her memories returned.
The gravity of her situation threatened to crush her. Sparrow was gone, and she was the newest acquisition of her murderer. A pet he would expect to stroke and touch, caged in this opulent room of wealth and finery.
The scent of roasted meat wafted to her, and Faye’s mouth watered. A woman who could be her twin sat on the window ledge. Soft light shined past her into the room. She held a small plate, eating small cuts of meat— with a knife? Glancing up, meeting Faye’s gaze.
Faye felt embarrassed for her, being forced to wear such a demeaning outfit. A corset squeezed her frame, pushing her breasts up. It was fitted over what looked like a man’s white collared shirt. Her skirt had obscenely high-cut slits in the front. Her belted thigh-high leather boots completed her outfit. Was this how fang face expected his pet concubines to dress?
Faye recoiled, imagining the Shadow Prince demand she wear a similar outfit.
An articulated metal ring covered the woman’s index finger, hellfire gleaming off it with her movements. Cold prickles of fear slid down Faye’s spine as she stiffened. She was in a room with a real Familiar. Dark mist twisted over the woman’s soul shard, but Faye was too far to see exactly how strong she was. The Familiar woman smiled at her, heightening Faye’s suspicion.
“Are you a pet too?” If she wasn’t too crazed, they could escape together.
The woman laughed. “Darkness, no. You’re not a pet either. Are you hungry?”
Was the Familiar sane enough to know the difference? The glamour she wore to mirror her was unsettling, but she had no time to navigate what Familiars deemed acceptable. “I’m being kept against my will. What else would you call it?”
She narrowed her eyes and glanced up, tapping the clawed point of her articulated ring against her bottom lip. “Political prisoner?” The Familiar gave her an expectant look. A silent question poised in the Familiar’s addled mind,Is my answer acceptable?
The woman frowned when Faye remained silent. She glanced down at her meal and smiled brightly, before offering her plate, and tilting it back and forth.
Faye didn’t move. Mildly insulted her look-alike tried to entice her the same way you would a nervous animal. Faye looked down at her hands, bunching the white blanket. “The Shadow Prince killed my sister.”
Moments passed in silence, and Faye glanced up. The woman was peering down the hall, wiggling her fingers in greeting. “Looks like the High Queen is paying Rune a visit.”
Faye threw the blankets back, rushing out of bed. Vashien must have brought a petition to the High Queen. She would free Faye and bring her sister’s murderer to justice. She hurried to the only opened door and the woman caught her wrist pulling her to a stop. “You should wait until Lyssa leaves to speak with him.”
“I want to see the High Queen, not him.” Faye yanked her hand out of the woman’s grasp and turned toward the hall in time to see a black satin skirt enter a room halfway down the hall.
Faye slowed as their voices carried toward her, near the door.
“A woman knocked out three of my guards before she was subdued. She claims you kidnapped her sister.” The High Queen’s melodic voice was bright with laughter. “An Anarian.”
Tears pricked Faye’s eyes. Sparrow was alive? Faye dashed into the room.
“Are you here on her behalf?” The Shadow Prince asked a moment before his pale blue gaze landed on her.
He moved a finger in a subtle motion for her to return to her room as the High Queen said, “Darkness, no. The woman is delusional.”
Faye ignored him turning to the High Queen. “The woman that attacked your guards. Was she blonde?”
The High Queen sneered at Faye, scrutinizing her from head to toe.
Faye’s heart beat faster. Why was she just staring at her? “Is she blonde?” Faye blurted, louder.
The High Queen turned from her to glance at the Shadow Prince. “Honestly Rune, I see the accusation is true.”
Her sister was alive. He didn’t kill her. Faye brought her hand to the bottom of her throat. The void in her chest filled, lifting a stabbing weight off her. Sparrow was alive. And beating up guards. Faye wasn’t sure if she would laugh or cry. She smiled, teary-eyed, but the High Queen was already walking away from her.
“High Queen.” Faye ran to her, taking her hand and bowing her head. “I’m being held here against my will. Please tell the Shadow Prince to release me.”
The High Queen tore her hand from her grasp. Faye flushed unsure how to address her properly. Faye glanced up, and the High Queen turned her back to her, holding her hand open as though she touched something foul. A handkerchief appeared in her other hand, and she meticulously wiped each place Faye touched.
The High Queen glanced back at the Shadow Prince and exhaled sharply. “Your pet hasn’t learned her place?”
Faye’s chest tightened. “Please, I don’t want to be a pet. If you could just take me to Anaria, I’m from Alexander.”