Page 43 of Invoking the Blood
“You can poke around my head all you want after you take me home.”
“If I find what I need, you can return permanently.”
The minx wet her bottom lip, apparently something she did when she was thinking or sought to drive the Ra’Voshnik to frenzy. “One minute, and then you take me home.”
Her demand was far from ideal, but Rune hoped if he gave a little the minx would follow suit. “One minute, once I am in your mind.”
Faye nodded, watching him carefully, as though she’d agreed to do something depraved. “What do I do?”
You can do this, it’s just a minute, and then we go home and see Sparrow. Faye crossed her legs under the blanket and cleared her mind, unsure of what to do. Moments passed, and a strange sensation touched her mind. Like a shadow at the edge of her vision that vanished when she turned toward it.
“Your mind is closed off.”
His tone was gentle, so Faye responded in kind. “I don’t know how to open it.”
“Take deep breaths and bring yourself to rest.”
Faye sighed. “I don’t know what that means. I don’t speak dark-blood.”
He looked away for a moment, drumming his fingers over his knee. When his attention returned to her, he said, “What do you do when you go to sleep?”
“You want me to take a nap?” She wasn’t following his logic.
“You will naturally bring yourself to rest when you prepare to sleep.”
Okay,Faye thought as she touched the tray. “Can you take this away please.” Rune took the tray and Faye laid down pulling the blankets to her chin. She clutched a pillow to her side and wiggled until she was comfortable. This was the stupidest thing she’d ever heard of, but if it brought her closer to seeing her sister, she’d do it.
Faye closed her eyes, relaxing her body and letting her mind drift. The smell of roses lingering in her sheets mixed with the faint scent of amber and sandalwood. It reminded her of the dreams where she slept in his arms. Faye let her mind wander where it wished, deciding it counterintuitive to steer her thoughts. “When does your minute start?”
“You will know.”
Minutes passed in silence and Faye breathed easy, shifting into a more comfortable spot. She felt something then. An easy pressure into her awareness. Faye lowered her brow.
“Shh. I almost have it.”
A strange sensation brushed up against her mind. It warmed the edge of Faye’s consciousness, growing more persistent with each tantalizing stroke. The resistance snapped all at once, and Faye winced as a presence flooded her senses. Aggression and sexual heat thrummed against her mind, volatile and distinctly male. Faye’s breaths accelerated with her heartbeat. She held still, focusing on relaxing the tension in her body, but this presence wanted to claim her for its own.
A familiar purr vibrated through her, beneath the compulsive hostility, was a soul deep yearning. Faye helplessly turned toward it.
It must have sensed her. A flash of excitement pulsed through her mind as it turned its focus on her. The wild aggression surging forward.
Faye gasped, her eyes snapping open as she jerked back. A wet snap sounded, and Faye’s gaze shot to Rune. Blood ran freely from his nose. “I’m sorry.”
He stood, waving a hand at her. “Apologies. The Ra’Voshnik slipped my hold.” He silently strolled to the bathroom, turning on the faucet.
The what slipped his hold? Some part of him that saw her and didn’t care if she had a shard or not. Faye stared at Rune’s back, realizing two things.
They were fate tied, and this Ra’Voshnik was her fangs.
Chapter seventeen
Fayegotoutofbed while Rune was occupied. She hurried to the wall, where he couldn’t see her dressed in so little and pulled her robe on. As she finished tying it, the water turned off. Faye turned to find Rune standing in the doorway with an outstretched hand. “Shall we?”
She stepped closer, studying his pristine shirt. She was sure he bled on it, but he stood before her, a perfectly arranged, polished dark-blood. She nodded and placed her hand in his. The moment she touched his hand, her surroundings faded into inky blackness, sweeping away just as fast. Faye squinted against the harsh light. He phased them on the road in front of her cottage. Faye snatched her hand away and ran for her door, screaming, “Sparrow!”