Page 46 of Invoking the Blood
“No. Stand close.” Rune approached the trio. His surroundings faded and refocused in Hell a moment later. Faye swayed on her feet. He and the male both reached for her. The winged male paled but placed his hand at the small of Faye’s back
Peel the flesh from his body. Slowly.The Ra’Voshnik purred through his mind.
Perhaps this spell would prove useful after he broke it. The Ra’Voshnik didn’t compulsively fixate on every notion of fear it scented or tasted. He could repurpose it to calm the Ra’Voshnik. Let it be fixated with a charm he could carry with him rather than the problematic minx at his side.
“Why is the High Queen’s estate in Hell?” Sparrow asked, tipping her head back as she gawked over his home.
The corner of Rune’s mouth lifted.Because my mother’s temper was a thing of legend.
“Before Lyssa, Belind was High Queen, and Michelle was Queen. Michelle was his mother, and they shared time between Hell and Necromia,” the male answered.
Rune arched his brow. Not the story, but he wasn’t about to volunteer information.
“There were two queens?” At Vashien’s nod, Sparrow glanced over her surroundings. “What the fuck is that?” Sparrow asked, pointing off into the distance.
Rune glanced at the winged male, waiting for his explanation of Julian’s palace. At his silence, Rune said, “Unimportant,” and made his way to the tall bloodroot double doors of his towering estate.
They followed him into the great room. The large open space held two ornate staircases on either side of the room. Black marble made up the floor, reflecting the twinkling lights of two enormous three-tiered black crystal chandeliers.
“Faye’s room is at the end of this hall.” Rune pointed to the left and continued walking up the staircase on the same side.
The group followed him up the stairs, through a hall that opened to a large ballroom. Rune proceeded through it without comment and led them down another wide hallway. He stopped as the hall turned the corner.
“This is the south wing.” Rune gave Faye a pointed look. “My study and rooms are off limits.”
Sparrow peered around Faye to stare at Rune. “We’re not here for you, in case you didn’t get that.” A growl emanated from Rune as he took a step toward the mouthy blonde. Faye took a matching step toward him to stand between them. To Rune’s disbelief, the blonde continued as though nothing had happened.
“Where’s your kitchen?” The male touched her shoulder, and she paid him no mind. Perhaps she was touched with madness. Sparrow came to stand next to Faye, hugging her arm to the side of her body. “Listen, I know we just met. But I eat a lot. So where do you keep the food?”
Rune narrowed his eyes. Definitely insane.
Sparrow’s gaze lowered to his ring, and she snorted. “Am I supposed to be afraid of you?” She met his gaze unphased. “Lots of people wear a darker shard than me. You’re not that special.”
Darkness, he could only hope to find and break this spell tomorrow. He called his talisman to Obsidian and held the ornate stone encased in intricate metal work out to the winged male. “I take it, you know how to use this?”
“I know how to use that,” Sparrow all but yelled, snatching it out of his grasp. “Is this to Obsidian? The Obsidian?”
Faye pulled her sister away from him and hissed, “What are you doing?”
The blonde harpy beamed at her. “Obsidian,themost exclusive restaurant in Necromia. You have to be nobility to get in.”
Rune got the sinking suspicion he made an error allowing her his talisman. It mattered not. They would be out of his home and life soon enough. “My realm is closed. You will find it unpleasant if you attempt to phase out. I have some business I must attend to if you would excuse me.” Rune vanished, leaving them in his home.
Chapter nineteen
Fayethrewherarmsaround Sparrow as soon as Rune vanished. “I’m so sorry you’re here.” Faye looked up at Vashien. “Both of you.”
Sparrow snorted and thumped her backpack before pulling away. “Where’s your room bitch?”
“Next to his.”
“Douche in the black suit is making you room next to him?” Sparrow stuck the tip of her tongue out of the corner of her mouth. “Gross.”
Faye started walking back the way they came. “He put me in another room before I ended up in the one next to his. I heard you took out three guards at the High Queen’s court.
“My greatest moment.” Sparrow linked arms with her, leaning her head on her shoulder as they walked.
They entered what Faye imagined was a ballroom, the dark wood floors polished beautifully. Pillars lined the walls housing arched windows looking out over Hell’s crystalline landscape. “I’m so hungry.”