Page 49 of Invoking the Blood
“We could still be immortal.”
Faye shook her head. “His Familiar looked into me.” She was still trying to process that she was mortal. She hadn’t felt immortal, but she’d hoped. And now, it was just another thing that slipped away from her. Faye’s eyes widened as she pictured Sadi. “His Familiar looks just like me.”
“Lots of people have black hair.”
“No, she has my face. We could be twins.”
“I’m sure we’ll see her, and I’ll tell you, you look nothing alike.” Sparrow stabbed the cake with her fork and chocolate pooled from its center. “That’s fancy.”
Faye leaned forward. “Is it cooked all the way?”
Sparrow dipped her fork in it and tasted it. “It’s chocolate.” She gave an approving glance and took another bite of cake.
Faye found herself looking at the door separating her room from Rune’s. Her heart stung. She had power but not immortality. Forever lacking something.
Sparrow scooted her seat closer and leaned against her. “He’s fated to you. Fuck him and make him your bitch.”
“I think a part of him likes me. His bloodlust.” Faye smiled at the memory of the male viciousness enveloping her. Purring.Fangs accepts me.
Sparrow poured herself another shot. “If by likes, you mean wants to eat you and not in the good way, then yeah.”
“He looks at me like he did in the dreams.”
Sparrow straightened. “He’s been all bad eyeliner while you’re here?”
“You need to rile his bloodlust up. Show some neck. He’s fated to you. He’ll be hard up wanting you.”
Vashien materialized in the room, interrupting them, and peered at their dinner disapprovingly.
Sparrow skewered a piece of Faye’s steak and held it out to Vashien. “Want a bite, baby?”
Faye pushed her plate away. “How do they know when we finish eating?”
“Cover the tray. They’ll call it back after some time,” Vashien said, surveying the room again.
Sparrow ate Vash’s bite and took her vodka, and Faye’s juice off the tray. She picked up the lid, giving it a shake. “We all done?”
Vashien glanced between the two of them, then asked Sparrow, “Are you sleeping in here or am I taking another room so you two can share one?”
“All three of us fit in these giant ass beds,” Faye answered.
“Sparrow just said there’s a fated bond between you and the Shadow Prince. I’m not sleeping in the same room, let alone bed as you. I like my wings firmly attached to my back.”
“Pussy,” Sparrow said with a laugh, covering the tray.
“Be nice.” Faye took her glass and her juice. Sparrow opened the door leading to Rune’s room. “Leave it,” Faye said, widening her eyes when Sparrow turned toward her. Faye pointed at the door leading to the hall. “Let’s go.”
Sparrow sighed and slumped her shoulders. “Fine.”
Faye headed back to Sparrow and Vashien’s room.
Chapter twenty
Runematerializedinthelobby of the library in Artithia. The grand room was lit with small balls of hellfire seated in their fixtures. The room gleamed in its whites and golds, reflecting the light shining through the tall glass double doors.