Page 58 of Invoking the Blood
The satiny petals drew in every bit of sunlight beaming down on Faye’s head and shoulders, returning none of it. She brushed her fingertips over the dark bloom. The faintest sheen of blue outlined each petal. A shame these beauties were stuffed away in Hell with fang face where no one could see them.
“Don’t know.” Sparrow plucked a black rose, bringing it to her nose.
“What are you doing?”
Sparrow snorted and followed the path. “It’s a plant. You pick its flowers.” Her sister shoved the flower to her nose. “They smell really pretty, but they die in a couple hours.”
“They need blood and water.”
Her sister curled her lip at its black pedals. “Figures, his shadowiness would have vampire roses.”
Faye gave a soft laugh as they approached a second archway holding double doors made of wrought iron. Bars rose through the frame, and over them, cherry blossom branches stretched in beautiful metal detail.
Sparrow pushed the gate open, stepping in, and Faye could only stare. Steam rose from a large pool surrounded by tall willows. Small flowering plants dotted the edges. Her sister elbowed her ribs. “He might be a dick, but he has good taste.”
Faye nodded her agreement, admiring the space, and smiled. To the left, tucked near the towering gray stone wall, was her garden. Her watering can was placed near a small, simple half-moon fountain attached to the wall.
“Just think, this will all be yours after he’s your bitch.”
Faye dragged her hand through her hair, sitting beside her garden. Her sister talked about the Shadow Prince like they were a foredrawn conclusion. Which they weren’t. “He’s a dark-blood and immortal.”And an arrogant asshole.
“Bitch, you baggedthedark-blood.”
Faye’s mouth fell open as she turned to her sister. “I didn’t bag shit. I’m trapped here.” Her sister quirked her lip and fluttered her hand at her. Faye shook her head going back to her garden. “You can chase him if you like him so much.”
“I like my men big, dark, and winged— Not tall, pale, and scary.”
“But you want me with tall, pale, and scary.”
“I saw the way you looked when you were dreaming of fangs. It’s not my fault you have questionable taste in men.”
Faye drew her knees up and didn’t respond. Her sister had a way of knifing wounds too close to her heart. She hugged her knees, telling herself Sparrow didn’t do it purposefully.
Her sister took a seat across from her, bumping her with her legs. Faye reluctantly met her gaze, muttering, “He doesn’t want me.”
Sparrow snorted. “I don’t care what that lying bitch says. He’s yours, so go own his ass. Did he get a,” Sparrow whistled, holding two of her fingers together, “when he saw the girls?”
Faye shoved her sister with her foot. She wobbled but sat up again, staring at her expectantly. Faye sighed. “I don’t know. He gave me a towel.”
“You didn’t look.” Sparrow sagged forward, clearly disappointed.
Faye backhanded her sister’s thigh. “I was busy covering myself.”
“Why are you so shy. You changed in front of plenty of people at Aunty Clara’s house.”
“They were girls we shared a room with.” Faye couldn’t grasp why her sister’s kitty brain couldn’t see the difference between that and exposing her to Rune.
“Naked is naked.”
Of course, it was.“I’m not having this discussion with you.”
“Fine.” Sparrow fell back against the grass. “Be boring.”
Chapter twenty-five
SparrowleftFayeinthe gardens. Spending the afternoon with the sun on her back soothing her. Hell’s sky was beautiful, but it didn’t compare to the sun’s comforting warmth.
The rest of the day passed quietly. Faye searched for Sadi, curious if her father made a decision on whether to allow her into Chaos. Her search came up empty, and she didn’t bother asking Rune. His earlier dismissal still stung.