Page 71 of Invoking the Blood
The next moment he flinched, breaking their kiss and Faye instinctively pulled away. She withdrew her hand and Faye could only stare.
He let her go.
Faye clenched her jaw, fighting the tears that threatened to start anew. He didn’t want her. She was a fool mistaking pity for affection. Faye pressed her arms to her side.
“Apologies, the High Council is requesting my presence. Did you want me to unseal this wing and allow your sister entry?”
Faye glanced up meeting his gaze, desperately needing his dark gaze to stare back at her with the longing she felt each time he touched her mind.
Nothing reflected in the flesh.
Faye looked away pulling the blankets up to cover her chest. “No. I want to be alone.”
He didn’t respond. Faye wiped the sleeve of his jacket over her eyes and turned back toward him. Her empty room stared back at her.
He left her. Alone.
Chapter thirty-one
TheRa’VoshnikragedthroughRune’s mind as he materialized in The Eyes.What are you doing? Return to our queen immediately!Rune knelt in protocol, ignoring the enraged screams echoing through his mind.
Raw, undiluted desire sang through his veins from the gentle touch of her lips. Darkness, he still felt her and worse he had no way to conceal the stark evidence of his want. The scent of the winged male covered her. Rune had been a moment from phasing her to his shower. Needing to scrub the scent off her before covering her with his own.
Jha’ant’s summons interrupted him. Rune found himself torn between thanking Jha’ant or tearing his head from his shoulders after he snapped every other appendage from his body.
You left our queen!The Ra’Voshnik roared and Rune’s body flickered as the creature attempted to phase and return to Faye.You rejected her invitation!
Rune sank his claws into the Ra’Voshnik’s frantic presence, dragging it down. And for the first time it took hold of him as well, dragging his consciousness into the depths of his mind with it.
Rune’s surroundings changed and a crushing pressure solidified on the front of his throat. He stood face to face with the Ra’Voshnik, their claws sinking into the other’s throat.
The Ra’Voshnik dragged him closer, baring its fangs, screaming, “Return to her and beg her forgiveness!”
“Do not think to order me,” Rune grated. “You forget my will is greater than yours.” The Ra’Voshnik’s hold faded as Rune drove it from its physical form. Reducing it to smoke and shadow.
“Brother.” Rune perceived Jareth’s voice from far above him. Rune cursed in High Tongue as he confined the Ra’Voshnik to the recesses of his mind. The fool creature had thrown its tantrum before the High Council.
Rune returned to his body, blinking as the physical world came into focus.
“Are you well?” His brother asked.
Red stained his fingertips and blood trickled from either side of his neck. Rune met his brother’s gaze not wishing to explain himself.
“Shadow Prince.” Jha’ant’s voice shook as he spoke the words that began their meeting.
Rune turned to the bird king as he rose, fear turning Jha’ant’s eyes glassy. The bird king looked as though he now regretted summoning him. Rune could only be thankful the hard edge of anger cooled his desperate want of the minx.
“I have sent my monthly account of The Crumbling. What do you need that is not already outlined in my report?” Rune asked coldly.
Jha’ant ruffled his wings and crinkled the pages he held. A boy with a security blanket playing king to his betters. “I’m growing concerned. Your report didn’t include an attempt on The Crumbling.”
“The Shadow Prince is too busy licking his Anarian’s slit.” Lyssa answered for him.
Kill her, she insults our queen,the Ra’Voshnik whispered from its confines.
Lyssa leaned forward, propping her chin on her hand. Her gaze flitted lower, lingering between his legs before returning to his eyes. “I would say you were too busy with your cock in her mouth,” she smiled and continued in a lower tone, “But we both know you can’t get it up.”
The Ra’Voshnik chuckled from the depths of his mind.We didn’t get hard because the noisy female wasn’t worth breeding with.