Page 73 of Invoking the Blood
“I am speaking of you. Your sister is mortal. You will carry her memory for centuries. You should be wary of your mouth. A moment spoken in haste can echo for centuries.”
Sparrow covered the last puncture with her thumb, pulling back to look him in the eye as she healed it. “And do you have echoing moments, Shadow Prince?”
Rune held her gaze after she finished healing him and stepped back.
Every immortal has many such moments.
Chapter thirty-two
Faye’sbedshiftedsuddenlyjarring her from sleep. She groaned narrowing her eyes to peer up at blonde curls. “Go away,” she muttered, rolling away from her sister. Her head pounded and she didn’t have the mental fortitude to deal with Sparrow right now.
The brief kiss she shared with Rune left her hollow and lonely. She thought she’d finally reached him, and he couldn’t get away from her fast enough.
“I’m sorry,” her sister said to her back.
Faye closed her eyes, wanting to be alone. The bed shifted with her sister’s movements. Sparrow rubbed her hand over her back like she did when they were girls. Faye leaned her shoulder away, saying, “It doesn’t mean anything if you keep doing it.”
Her sister leaned back, whispering, “I won’t.” When Faye didn’t reply she blurted out, “I say things I don’t mean when I’m mad. You know that.”
Anger coiled through Faye, burning away her sad feelings. She sat up and turned to her sister. “To everyone else,” Faye yelled, stabbing her finger into the blankets between them. “You never did it to me. But I don’t know why I thought I was special. This is how you treat everyone. It was a matter of time before you turned on me too.”
Sparrow looked like she’s struck her. Her lips parted and her brow pinched. “I didn’t turn on you.”
Was she fucking kidding? “You wrapped me in lace and threw me at his feet.”
Sparrow’s green eyes hardened as she pulled her shoulders back. “He saw you in your bikini. What I put you in covered way more of you. Nothing was see-through. He didn’t get a peek at anything.”
A bitter laugh escaped Faye as she glanced away. “You still can’t take responsibility for what you did.” Her gaze shot back to Sparrow as she said, “You think this is fine and I overreacted. This is not fine—Weare not fine. What you did was bullshit. Get out.”
Sparrow’s shoulder slumped as she sighed. “Bitch, come on.”
“Don’t bitch me.”
“Can you just punch me in the face and we call it even?”
Faye could only blink at her sister. “You just— This isn’t about getting even.”
“I’m sorry. I’ll let you pick all your own clothes.” Sparrow took her hands and made her best pair of sad eyes.
Faye pulled her hand away. “That face works on Vash not me.”
Sparrow crawled over to her and hugged her arm to her side. “I’m sorry I upset you. I’m sorry I got mad and lashed out. I’m a bad influence and a worse sister.”
“You’re a terrible influence,” Faye glared at her. She was still angry, but they were family. Faye took a deep breath and exhaled before saying, “You’re not a bad sister. I can’t think of anyone else who would come to Hell with me.”
“And I crashed the High Queen’s open court.” Sparrow laughed, pausing long enough to say, “Vash was so mad.”
Faye had two people willing to come to Hell for her. Having people who cared that much about her was a blessing.
Sparrow tugged on Rune’s jacket. “You sleeping in his clothes now?” Faye jerked the sleeve out of Sparrow’s grasp. Her sister raised her hand in a peaceful gesture. “I mean it’s a fancy jacket, but did you want to put some clothes on under it?”
“It’s your fault I’m naked under this,” Faye grumbled.
“You’re the—” Sparrow fell silent with a huff. “I’m going to be a better sister and shut my fucking mouth.”
Faye smiled, leaning on Sparrow. “I appreciate you trying.”
“You’re lucky I love you. I don’t do this for anyone.”