Page 75 of Invoking the Blood
“Can we talk about court etiquette while you look through my mind today?” Faye stiffened as he looked up at her, but thankfully her cheeks didn’t heat under his gaze.
He leaned back in his chair, resting his hand on the arm rest. “What would you like to discuss?”
His features gave nothing away, locked in a polite mask of courtesy. Faye glanced away, picking up one of the documents he’d been reading. Faye couldn’t read the harsh script scrawled over the page.
“You said once I have my shard I could join the court of my choosing. I want to make an educated decision before I shun the prospect.” Faye placed the parchment on its rightful pile and turned her attention back to Rune.Now or never, she thought as she said, “Tell me about a romantic touch. The one that invites a man to my body.”
His gaze flooded black in a rush and Faye instantly felt more at ease. He watched her for long moments as those shadows swayed over the tops of his cheekbones. He canted his head at her, brows lowering a fraction. “The Ra’Voshnik calms you.”
Faye shrugged one shoulder at him. “Did you want it to have another effect?” She took a step closer to him. In truth she preferred him this way. His dark gaze was more expressive. The yearning she felt when he was in her mind plain for her to see.
“A romantic touch is typically a kiss. The pursuer will lean close and the romantic interest will kiss or brush their lips over the pursuer’s. We are taught to wait for an invitation before moving further. A kiss invites a kiss, nothing more until the pursued moves further. They lead the dance.”
Faye remembered his leaning close to her while she laid her head on his shoulder. He waited. Lingering. Was that his invitation? Faye reached for conversation to keep the blush from her cheeks. “Dark-bloods have strange customs,” she said inching closer to him.
“Court protocols.” Rune corrected. “Civilized society practices them.”
“What else would be a romantic touch?” Faye bit the inside of her lip and traced her finger over his shoulder. She met his gaze and asked, “Is this a romantic touch?”
He grinned up at her, and Faye’s heart beat faster. Darkness, his fangs were sexy.
“No. On a male it is a touch to the lips, groin, or buttock.”
Faye gripped his shoulder and sat on his thigh before she could overthink herself out of it. He parted his lips, leaning closer, and Faye nearly faltered. She forced herself not to squirm and said with all the bravado she could manage, “So, this means nothing?”
The corner of his mouth lifted as he leaned back in his chair once more. “It would carry weight if done in public. In private, this would be an invitation to a neutral touch.”
Rune ran the back of his fingers up her bare back, sending shivers through her. Faye forced herself still even as her nipples harden to tight peaks.
He was toying with her. Faye leaned closer to him determined to play the same game. “This is all neutral?” Faye ran her fingers from just above his belt to his neck, making sure to run her nails over his throat. The way his muscles flexed as she touched him exhilarated her.
He nodded watching her lips.
She leaned closer, getting caught up in her game. A kiss would only lead to a kiss. He wouldn’t do more. Her lips parted as her breaths grew shallow.
No, she played this game with him and lost. She would tempt him until he asked for her invitation. Faye pulled back and he watched her, tracing circles on her back with something cool and hard.
Her gaze lowered to his other hand. She took it, studying his black tipped claws. They were like hers, but bigger, ending in curved points. She pressed the pad of her thumb to the point.
“Careful.” Rune lifted his fingers away.
A bead of red rose on her thumb. They were sharp. She didn’t even feel it.
Rune pressed his thumb over hers and warmth spread over it. When he let her go Faye squeezed her thumb to her forefinger. It was healed.
Faye glanced at him before saying, “I didn’t think vampires wasted blood.”
“I was not aware you were offering,” Rune said, his voice was rough. His accent thicker. Faye glanced down between them and immediately met his gaze again and flushed deeply. The corner of his mouth lifted. “I assure you my will is stronger than my flesh.”
She took a deep breath and willed the heat from her face. If he was embarrassed, he didn’t show it. Faye’s mood soured. If she had this much of his attention and he wasn’t leaning in to ask for a kiss he wasn’t going to. Fine. She’d have to wear him down more tomorrow.
Faye pushed off his chest and stood. She did her best to saunter to the wrought iron glass wall. “Why is Hell glittery? Where are the souls that don’t want to return to the Darkness?” It was pretty but not what she expected when she was taught about Hell.
His voice sounded from behind her, startling her with his closeness. “This was my father’s realm before I inherited it.” Faye watched him in the glass as he spoke. “I keep the realm as he shaped it, maintaining Hell’s floor.”
Faye’s gaze swept over his reflection. If he could stand there and pretend he didn’t have a clearly visible erection, so could she. Her gaze shifted to the glittering horizon as she said, “And the souls? It looks pretty empty here.”
Rune canted his head. “They are the shimmering you see. Purging the souls back to the Darkness proves tedious. They are trapped beneath Hell’s floor and fade in time.”