Page 12 of Definitely Not Him
This Isn’t Yours
Seattle, Washington
“Hey there, sexy girl!” A man across the street yelled at me later that evening. “Need someone to take you home tonight?”
“If you do, don’t choose him. Choose me!” Another guy yelled over him.
Blushing, I ignored them and looked over my reflection in a Whimstery Cafe window.
Dark brown curls fell to my shoulders in waves, framing my face with new auburn highlights, and the Chanel dress and heels could convince anyone that I’d just stepped off the front cover of Vogue.
Focusing on my scavenger hunt, I double-checked the second clue.
Chloe’s EPIC Birthday Clue #2
Show off your new glittering heels while taking a quick stroll to your favorite coffee shop on Pine Street.
Get ready to receive a huge pop of pink.
I steppedinside the cafe and approached the counter.
“Are you Chloe March?” the barista immediately looked up. “The birthday girl?”
“I wish I had friends like this.” He handed me a pink and pearl balloon bouquet, a special coffee, and a silver envelope with the next clue.
Chloe’s EPIC Birthday Clue #3
On the very top floor of this place, a very sexy surprise awaits. (Hint: It’s where you’ve mentioned wanting to stare at the stars in luxury. It starts with an “F” and ends with an “S.)
The clue boggledmy mind for what felt like forever, and I was tempted to pull out the backup paper list they gave me, but I didn’t want to cheat just yet.
I sipped the last drop of my coffee, and it finally hit me.
The Four Seasons.
Rushing down 1st Avenue, I tried not to smile at the long, lingering glances and whistles that followed my every step.
A doorman tipped his hat as I approached The Four Seasons’ marble and gold entrance.
“I hope you’re enjoying your stay with us, Miss.” He looked me over. “Let me know if there’s anything—and I mean anything—that I can do for you.”
“Will do, sir.”
“Here.” He pressed a business card into my palm. “Call me directly and I’ll make sure the staff handles it within seconds.”
I nodded, almost feeling like I belonged here, and made my way to an open elevator.
There was no button for the roof, no sign that mentioned anything about stargazing.
Confused, I reread the clue and pressed the button for twenty-one.
It didn’t move.
I hit twenty.