Page 19 of Definitely Not Him
“Oh?” I smiled. “How long have you been dating him?”
“A very long time. Years. We’re probably getting married soon.”
“So, your fiancé has no problem letting you walk into another man’s hotel suite wearing that dress?”
“Okay, whoa. Even if I did know it was your room,” she said, “which I clearly didn’t, he’s very secure in our relationship.”
“If you’re going out with me, he shouldn’t be.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
“Exactly what it sounds like.”
Her cheeks flushed red. “He knows that I’m coming back home to him at the end of the night.”
I pressed the emergency stop button, bringing the car to an immediate halt. “Is that true?”
“What are you doing?”
“Asking you a question,” I said. “You really have a boyfriend?”
“Does it matter?”
“It does.” I stepped closer. “Because if that’s the case, we should end the night right now.”
“Well, if that’s how you feel, I’ll get off.” She didn’t make a move to start the car again.
I pressed my hands against the back wall, trapping her in place, looking into her soft green eyes.
“Allow me to ask you this one more time,” I said, noticing the faint mole above her top lip, the way her breathing slowed with my every word. “I honestly think you’re the most beautiful fucking woman I’ve ever met. If you belong to someone else, I can accept that, but I won’t torture myself by willingly being around you, all while knowing I can never have you.”
She sucked in a slow, unsteady breath.
“Are you really taken, Chloe?”
“No … ” Her voice was a whisper.
“Good.”I ran my fingers through her curls, inhaling the soft scent of her strawberry and mint-scented perfume. Then I forced myself to stop before I gave into the temptation to taste her lips.
Pulling away, I stepped back and hit the start button.
When the doors glided open on the private garage floor, Dillon was leaning against a black town car. He looked between the two of us, his eyes bulging out of his skull.
“Good evening from the Four Seasons,” he said in his best American accent. “Is there something I can assist you with at this hour?”
“Not at all, sir.” I smiled at him. “We’re going out for a bit.”
“For a bit? Without proper coverage?” He narrowed his eyes. “Or the slightest advance notice?”
Chloe shot me a confused look, and Dillon let out a breath.
“I’m only concerned because it’s drizzling and you both are dressed so nicely,” he said.“I’d hate for someone to see you…all drenched and wet, you know.”
He pulled my baseball cap from his bag and handed me his favorite umbrella.
“This hotel thinks of everything,” Chloe said.