Page 27 of Definitely Not Him
Reckless as Ever
“For fuck’s sake…”
William shook his head when we rounded the corner of The Four Seasons. A crowd was surrounding the front entrance, and the line for the garage wrapped around the block.
“There’s a huge concert in town tonight,” I said. “One of the artists must be staying at your hotel. The elevators will probably be a nightmare. Want to try my place instead?”
With his hand sliding up and down my thigh, I guided him to my part of town.
When we approached my building, William steered the car into an alley.
I pretended I didn’t see three guys pitching a tent under the exit door or the homeless guy who constantly harassed me for my morning coffee.
“Should I be worried about leaving my car here?” he asked.
“No, but you should consider moving it in a couple hours.”
“Good to know.”
Ever the gentleman, he helped me out of the car—letting me lead him inside.
The hallway lights flickered uncontrollably, and the worn, wooden floorboards creaked while we walked. The closer we stepped to my unit, the more I slipped out of my trance and remembered where I actually lived. How messy I’d left my room.
Shit. I can’t let him see the inside of my apartment.
“I had a really great time with you tonight, William,” I whispered at my door. “I think this might rank in my top three birthdays of all time.”
“Mine, too.” He tightened his grip around my waist. “You should open the door to your place now.”
“I want to, but…”
“But what?”
“I didn’t clean my furniture before I left.”
“I promise I won’t be focusing on your furniture.”
“There are clothes all over the carpet.”
“Open the door.”
“And the air conditioning may or may not be working.”
“Chloe.” His lips met mine again, making me forget every other excuse I had to offer. “Open the door.”
I twisted the key in the lock, but I didn’t turn it. There was one more excuse sitting on the edge of my lips.
“I might’ve exaggerated the whole ‘lots of casual sex’ thing,” I said. “Actually, I might’ve made all of that up.”
“Trust me.” He smiled. “I’m aware.”
“I mean, just in case you’re expecting something from the Kama Sutra, or—” I stopped talking as he slid a hand under my dress and tore off my lace panties, stuffing them into his pocket.
“I’m not expecting anything,” he said, his voice low, “except for you to open the door, unless you want all your neighbors to see me fucking you.”