Page 44 of Definitely Not Him
Our grand staircase railing was now coated in a bright red that matched the U.K. telephone booths in the distance. Britain’s flags hung between all our bestseller banners, and a replica of The Great Wheel stood under a toy monorail circling the ceiling.
A neon “Pike Place Market” sign swayed over a table full of name tags and lanyards, all affixed with a mini British flag.
I found mine and placed it around my neck.
Then I followed the sound of laughter from down the hall, snapping a quick picture of the teacup trail that led to the auditorium.
“Today is a brand-new day at Rogue Publishing!” Hazel shouted onstage. “I’m super excited to welcome our new co-CEO into the fold. He has as much experience in this industry as I do, and to help ease the transition process, we’re running this company together!”
God, help us all.I glanced at my watch.
I needed to get through fifty more Williams before lunch to stay on track.
“Although he’s trading in his royal life for a new one in the States, I hope he will be a royal asset to our team. Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome our new co-CEO, Tyler William Carrington II!”
Everyone cheered and applauded as a man in a black suit took his precious time making his way to the stage. He shook hands with every person he passed, and I wondered if Hazel hired some paid actors to make him feel important.
Wait a minute. All the people screaming work in my department.
“I thought this was some type of joke.” “Me too. He’s so fucking sexy.” “I can’t believe this. How am I supposed to get any work done when he’s in the building?” The women in front of me swooned like this guy was a movie star.
Several minutes later, when he finally set foot on the platform, he turned to face the crowd.
My jaw immediately dropped to the floor.
My eyes widened by the second, and my heart raced a mile a minute in my chest. The world rocked under my feet and I placed a hand against the wall to steady myself.
That’s definitely not him. It can’t be…
I pinched my arm as hard as possible, hoping that this was all a sick and twisted dream.
I’m still in bed, in my room. Still in bed, in my room.
The crowd’s deafening claps swallowed my pained scream.
“I’m honored to be here with you.” William-Tyler-Whatever spoke into the mic, and his sexy British accent shattered any remaining doubts. “I’m excited to start a new life here in Seattle, and I look forward to working with all of you.”
“God, his mouth. You think he’s still single or dating that princess?” The women in front of me were still swooning. “Do you think he wants an American girl now that he’s done with royal life and prince duties?”
“He’s a prince?” I asked aloud. “Is that what you just said?”
The women continued talking, keeping me out of their bubble.
I attempted to turn my head from the stage, but I couldn’t stop staring at this man if I tried. Under his bespoke black suit, he wore a white dress shirt with the top two buttons left open, enough to make any woman wonder about the muscles that lay beneath.
As he pulled a folded card from his pocket, his eyes suddenly met mine. He tilted his head to the side, and a slow smile spread across his lips.
“I take back my previous words,” he said, pinning me to the spot with his gaze. “Those were rather uninspiring for today’s occasion. It’s a pleasure to be here, and I can’t wait to work with you.”
The crowd devolved into a group of thirsty fangirls yet again, and I mentally rewound our date night together, frame by frame.
How did I not notice how strange things were before now?
The sleeping guards in The Four Seasons weren’t there for someone else. There was never anyone else.
It was him.