Page 53 of Definitely Not Him
It took me two hours to realize that this wasn’t a sickness from seeing Tyler with a potential fiance at all. This was near-death pain again, and it was even worse than what I felt before.
Crying, I rolled over and picked up my phone.
Uber wasn’t an option this time.
I called an ambulance.
* * *
An hour later
A grey andblack ultrasound photo rested in my hand, and I traced the tiny blob marked “Baby A.” Then I traced “Baby B.”
“I thought you said it wasone baby?” I looked up at the emergency room doctor I’d visited before. “One.”
“I never said anything about a number.” She smiled. “I just confirmed that you were pregnant.”
“I can’t have two babies.”
“Lots of women have two babies, Miss March.” She tossed her gloves in the trash. “It’s not as rare as you think. Have you found your baby daddy yet?”
“Is he thrilled?”
“That’s not the exact term I would use.”
“Oh. Well, that’s tough.” She shook her head. “Make sure to file for child support and get a restraining order the moment those babies suck their first breath. A wishy-washy dad is always a potential dead-beat, so you need to secure the money upfront, or steal his car when he isn’t home and sell it.”
I should nominate her for the worst bedside manner ever.
“Thank you so much for suggesting a potential felony, Doctor.”
“You’re welcome,” she said. “By the way, you do know that you can make a regular doctor’s appointment instead of coming into my emergency room during early morning hours, right?”
“My job doesn’t give me enough free time to schedule, let alone make appointments.”
“In that case, here’s some more advice.” She looked compassionate. “If I were you, I’d keep mum about it being two babies for now. Only tell the people you’re closest to until they’re both viable, okay?”
I nodded.
“Now, go home and look up this YouTube series called ‘How to Convince a Judge to Make Your Baby Daddy Pay for Your Life’ and thank me later.”
She left the room, and I redressed.
Tucking the ultrasound into my purse, I stood in the lobby and waited for Madison’s car to appear.
My phone buzzed seconds later, but it wasn’t her letting me know she was close.
It was two new emails from Tyler.
Subject: Your phone number
I just received the results for the issue you blind-sided me with today. We need to talk.
Subject: & Your Address